A Latin Reader

5. Safe and Saucy

Hae­dus, qui in tēc­tō domūs stā­bat, lupō maledīcē­bat. Cui respon­dit lupus: “Nōn tū, sed tēc­tum, mihi maledīc­it.” Saepe locus et tem­pus hom­inēs timidōs red­dit audācēs.

roof, from tegō, cov­er.


was abus­ing.

Refers to hae­dus. Ren­der him. The Latin rel­a­tive is often the first word in a sen­tence where Eng­lish uses a demonstrative.

maledī­cis is understood.

red­dit audācēs: ren­der bold. The sin­gu­lar form of the verb is used because the two sub­jects togeth­er form a sin­gle idea of cir­cum­stance.