A Latin Reader

34. Not Brave Enough to Meet Old Age

Milō iuve­nis per sta­di­um Olympiae sustinuisse humerīs bovem dīc­i­tur. Sed vōx Milō­nis senis con­temp­ta est, nam in senec­tūte āth­lētās in cur­riculō vidē­bat, inlacrimā­bat, exclāmā­bat: “At hī lac­ertī qui­dem mor­tuī sunt!” Nōn vērō tam istī quam tū ipse, nūgā­tor, neque enim ex tē umquam es nōbil­itā­tus, sed ex lac­ertīs tuīs.

per sta­di­um: over the course.

vōx: word, sentiment.

senis: when an old man. There is a con­trast between iuve­nis and senis. Milo’s spir­it failed with his strength.

istī: sup­ply mor­tuī sunt.