A Latin Reader


iaceō, iacēre, iacuī, iac­itūrus v. lie, lie dead.

iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iac­tus v. throw, hurl; lay, establish.

iac­tō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (freq. of iaciō, throw) v. throw, hurl.

iac­tus, ‑ūs m. throw­ing, throw.

iac­u­lum, ‑ī (iaciō, hurl) n. dart, javelin.

iam adv. now, already; at last; soon, present­ly; nōn iam or iam nōn, no longer.

Iānicu­lum, ‑ī n. the Jan­ic­u­lan Hill.

iānua, ‑ae f. door, entrance.

ibi adv. there, in that place; then.

idcir­cō adv. for that rea­son, therefore.

īdem, eadem, idem dem. pron. same, the same thing; also.

ideō adv. for that rea­son, therefore.

idōneus, ‑a, ‑um adj. suit­able, favorable.

igi­tur conj. there­fore, accordingly.

īgnārus, ‑a, ‑um adj. not know­ing, igno­rant, unac­quaint­ed with.

īgnāvia, ‑ae f. lazi­ness, idleness.

ignis, ignis m. fire.

īgnōrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. not know, be ignorant.

īlex, īli­cis f. an oak.

ilicō adv. straight­way, at once, immediately.

ille, illa, illud pron. that; that one.

illīc adv. there, then.

imbē­cil­lis, imbē­cille adj. weak, feeble.

imbel­lia, ‑ae f. unfit­ness for war.

immānitās, immānitātis f. huge size; sav­age­ness, ferocity.

immer­itō adv. unde­served­ly, unjustly.

immit­tō, immit­tere, immīsī, immis­sus (in and mit­tō, send) v. let go, let loose, shake out.

immortālis, immortāle (in, not, and mortālis, mor­tal) adj. immor­tal, undying.

imperā­tor, imperātōris (imperō, order) m. com­man­der in chief, gen­er­al; emperor.

imper­iōsē adv. arro­gant­ly, imperiously.

imperi­um, imperī n. pow­er, author­i­ty; reign, order, command.

imperō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. order, direct, command.

impe­tus, ‑us m. onrush; fury, attack.

impin­guō, ‑āre, —, ‑ātus v. make fat; anoint.

impius, ‑a, ‑um (in, not, and pius, god­ly) adj. ungod­ly, wicked.

implicō, implicāre, implicuī, implic­i­tus (plicō, fold) v. enfold; be enwrapped.

impōnō, impōnere, impo­suī, imposi­tus (in and pōnō, place) v. put on, place upon.

importūnitās, importūnitātis f. dis­ad­van­tage, unfitness.

improbus, ‑a, ‑um (in, not, and probus, upright) adj. bad, evil, wicked.

impudēns, impu­den­tis (in, not and pudēns, mod­est) adj. shame­less, impudent.

impūnē adv. with­out pun­ish­ment, with impunity.

īmus, see īnfe­ri­or.

in prep. (1) with acc. into, to, toward, upon, against; (2) with abl. in, on, among; in the case of; in the course of.

inam­bulō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (ambulō, walk) v. walk up and down.

inā­nis, ināne adj.emp­ty; vain, useless.

incer­tus, ‑a, ‑um (in, not, and cer­tus, cer­tain) adj. uncer­tain, not sure.

incidō, incidere, incidī, incāsūrus (cadō, fall) v. fall in with, meet.

incitō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. rouse, stir, instigate.

inclāmō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (clāmō, cry) v. cry out, shout to.

inclīnō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. turn, turn back, dri­ve back.

inclūdō, inclūdere, inclūsī, in- clū­sus (claudō, shut up) v. shut up.

inco­la, ‑ae m. and f. inhabitant.

incolō, incol­ere, incoluī, — v. inhab­it, dwell in.

inco­lu­mis, incol­ume adj. unharmed, safe.

incom­modus, ‑a, ‑um adj. troublesome.

increpō, increpāre, incre­puī, increpi­tus v. rebuke, upbraid, censure.

incur­siō, incur­siō­nis (incur­rō, run upon) f. inva­sion, attack.

inde adv. thence, then, after that.

index, indi­cis m. sign, mark, index.

India, ‑ae f. India.

indīcō, indīcere, indīxī, indic­tus (dīcō, say) v. pro­claim, declare; bol­lum indīcere, declare war.

indi­cus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of India, Indian.

indīgnāns, indīg­nan­tis adj. angry, dis­pleased, indignant.

indūcō, indūcere, indūxī, induc­tus (dūcō, lead) v. bring in, bring on, intro­duce; show, display.

induō, induere, induī, indū­tus v. put on, put into; dress.

inēbriāns, inēbri­antis adj. filled full, run­ning over.

ineō, inīre, iniī, ini­tus (, go) v. go into, enter upon; find, discover.

iner­mis, inerme (in, not, and arma), unarmed.

infēn­sus, ‑a, ‑um adj. roused, enraged.

infe­ri­or, īnferius adj. low­er, weak­er (no pos­i­tive); superl. īnfimus and īmus, low­est; ab īnfimō, at the bottom.

inferō, īnferre, intulī, inlā­tus (ferō, bear) v. bring in; sē īnferre, rush; bel­lum īnferre, begin hostilities.

īnfimus, superl. of īnfe­ri­or.

īnfit (defec­tive) v. begins.

īnflō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (flō, blow) v. blow on, puff up, inflate.

īnfren­deo, īnfrendēre, —, — v. gnash (with the teeth).

ingemō, inge­mere, inge­muī, — v. groan, sigh.

inge­ni­um, ingenī n. nat­ur­al dis­po­si­tion; intel­lect; character.

ingēns, ingen­tis adj. huge, vast, large, great.

ingrā­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. ungrate­ful, unthank­ful; as sub­st. an ingrate.

inhab­itā­bilis, inhab­itā­bile adj. uninhabitable.

inhab­itō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. dwell.

inhaereō, inhaerēre, inhaesī, inhaesūrus (haereo, stick) v. stick, be fastened.

inhiō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. open the mouth; desire, long for.

ini­ciō, inicere, iniēcī, iniec­tus (iaciō, hurl) v. put, thrust, hurl.

inimī­cus, ‑a, ‑um (in, not, and amī­cus, friend­ly) adj. unfriend­ly, hostile.

inimī­cus, ‑ī m. ene­my, per­son­al enemy.

inīqu­us, ‑a, ‑um (in, not, and aequ­us, fair) adj. unjust.

iniussū (only in abla­tive) with­out

order, with­out com­mand; meō iniussū, with­out my order.

inlacrimō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. weep, be in tears.

inle­ce­bra, ‑ae f. charm, delight, allurement.

inligō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. bind to, fas­ten to.

inlūcēscō, inlūcēscere, inlūxī, — v. grow light, dawn.

inmit­tō, inmit­tere, inmīsī, inmis- sus (mit­tō, send) v. let go, send, hurl; with reflex­ive rush.

innocu­us, ‑a, ‑um adj. harm­less, innocent.

inopia, ‑ae, f. pover­ty, need, lack.

inquīnō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. defile, stain.

inquit (defec­tive) v. he (or she) says. (Used after one or more words of a direct quo­ta­tion.).

īnsānā­bilis, īnsānā­bile adj. incur­able; inca­pable of reform.

īnsā­nia, -ae f. insan­i­ty, madness.

īnscendō, inscen­dere, inscendī, īnscēn­sus (scan­dō, climb) v. climb on, mount.

īnsid­eō, īnsid­ēre, īnsēdī, īns­es­sus (sedeō, sit) v. sit upon.

īnsīgne, īnsīg­nis n. mark, token; badge, decoration.

inspi­ciō, īnspicere, īnspēxī, īnspec­tus (speciō, look) v. look into, investigate.

inspīrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (spīrō, breathe) v. breathe into, blow open.

īnsu­per adv. also, in addition.

intāc­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. untouched.

inte­ger, inte­gra, inte­grum (in, not, and tangō, touch) adj. untouched, unim­paired, unchanged.

intel­legō, intel­legere, intel­lēxī, intel­lēc­tus (inter and legō, pick) v. under­stand, perceive.

intendō, inten­dere, intendī, inten­tus (tendō, stretch) v. stretch toward, direct.

inter prep. with acc. among, between.

inter­clūdō, inter­clūdere, inter­clūsī, inter­clū­sus v. shut off.

inter­diū adv. sometimes.

inter­dum adv. sometimes.

intereā adv. mean­while, in the meantime.

inter­fi­ciō, inter­fi­cere, inter­fēcī, inter­fec­tus (faciō, do) v. kill, put to death.

inter­im adv. in the mean­time, meanwhile.

inter­imō, inter­imere, interēmī, interēmp­tus v. kill, slay.

inte­ri­or, interius comp. inner, inner part of; superl. intimus, inmost, inmost part of.

inter­pre­tor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. explain, inter­pret; decide, determine.

interquiēscō, interquiēscere, interquiēvī, interquiē­tus (quiēscō, become qui­et) v. rest, pause for a time, cease.

inter­rogō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (rogō, ask) v. ask, inquire.

inter­rumpō, inter­rumpere, in- ter­rūpī, inter­rup­tus (rumpō, break) v. destroy.

inter­sum, inter­esse, inter­fuī, — v. be present at.

intimus, see inte­ri­or.

intrā prep. with acc. with­in, inside.

intremo, ‑āre, intremuī, — v. shake, quiver, tremble.

intrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. enter.

intrōdūcō, intrōdūcere, intrōdūxī, intrō­duc­tus (dūcō, lead) v. lead with­in, introduce.

introeō, introīre, introīvī and introiī, introi­tus (intrō, with­in, and , go) v. go with­in, enter.

intrō­gre­dior, intrō­gredī, intrō­gres­sus (gra­dior, step) v. step with­in, enter.

intus adv. with­in, on the inside, inside.

invādō, invādere, invāsī, invā­sus (vādō, go) v. go into, invade; attack.

inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inven­tus (veniō, come) v. come upon, find; dis­cov­er, invent.

invidia, ‑ae f. jeal­ousy, envy; hatred.

invidiō­sus, ‑a, ‑um adj. unpopular.

invītō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. ask, invite, urge.

invocō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (vocō, call) v. call upon, invoke.

involu­cris, involu­cre adj. wing­less, with­out wings.

ipse, ‑a, ‑um (inten­sive pro­noun) self.

īra, ‑ae f. rage, anger.

Īris, Īris f. mes­sen­ger of Juno.

irretiō, irretīre, irretīvī, irretī­tus (in and rete, net) v. catch in net, entan­gle, snare.

is, ea, id dem. pron. he, she, it, they; this, that.

iste, ista, istud pron. that of yours, that.

ita (cf. is) adv. so, in this way, thus, as follows.

Italia, ‑ae f. Italy.

itaque (ita and que, and) conj. and so, accordingly.

iter, itiner­is n. a going; way, jour­ney, course.

iterō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. renew.

iti­dem adv. like­wise, just so.

iubeō, iubēre, iussī, ius­sus v. bid, order.

iūcundē adv. in a pleas­ing fash­ion, delightfully.

iūdi­ci­um, iūdicī n. judg­ment; the judgment.

iūdicō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. adjudge, declare.

iugum, ‑ī n. ridge; yoke.

iungō, iun­gere, iūnxī, iūnc­tus v. join, unite; form, make.

Iūnō, Iūnō­nis f. Juno (daugh­ter of Saturn).

Iup­piter, Iovis m. Jupiter; a planet.

iūs, iūris n. right; rights, priv­i­lege; justice.

iussū (only in abla­tive) by order of, at the com­mand of.

iūsti­tia, ‑ae f. jus­tice; god­dess of jus­tice, uprightness.

iūs­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. just; as sub­st. iūstī, the just.

iuven­ca, ‑ae f. young cow, heifer.

iuven­cus, ‑ī m. bullock.

iuve­nis, iuve­nis m. young per­son, a youth.

iuven­tūs, iuven­tūtis f. youth; young per­sons, young men.

iuvō, iuvāre, iūvī, iūtus v. aid, assist, help.