A Latin Reader


labor, labōris m. labor, toil, exer­tion; hard­ship, struggle.

lābor, lābī, lāp­sus v. glide, move.

lāc, lac­tis n. milk.

Lacedaemōnius, Lacedaemōnī m. a native of Lacedae­mon, a Spartan.

lac­er, lac­era, lacerum v. torn, lac­er­at­ed, mangled.

lac­er­tus, ‑ī m. arm mus­cles, mus­cles; strength.

lacrima, ‑ae f. tear.

lac­teus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of milk, milk; Via Lactea, the Milky Way.

lae­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. glad, joy­ful; fruit­ful, abundant.

laniō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. tear to pieces.

lapis, lapidis m. stone.

laque­us, ‑ī m. noose, snare, trap.

Lar­cius, Lar­cī m. a Roman name. Spurius Lar­cius, a Roman soldier.

late­brae, ‑ārum f. hid­ing place.

late­bro­sus, ‑a, ‑um adj. full of hid­ing places.

Latīnē adv. in Latin; Latīnē scīre, to under­stand the Latin language.

Latīnī, ‑ōrum m. the Latins.

Latīnus, ‑ī m. king of the Latins.

latrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. bark (like a dog).

latus, lat­eris n. the side; the chest, lungs; flank (of an army).

lātus, ‑a, ‑um adj. broad, wide.

laudō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. praise, commend.

laus, laud­is f. praise, renown; achievement.

lautē adv. ele­gant­ly, finely.

Lāvī­nia, ‑ae f. daugh­ter of Latinus.

Lāvīni­um, Lav­inī n. a town of Italy found­ed by Aeneas.

lēgā­tus, ‑ī m. envoy, del­e­gate, representative.

legiō, legiō­nis f. legion.

legō, leg­ere, lēgī, lēc­tus v. choose, select; read.

lēniter adv. gently. ’

leō, leō­nis m. lion; Leō, a constellation.

Leōnidās, ‑ae m. a king of Spar­ta, killed at Thermopylae.

lep­idē adv. neat­ly, clev­er­ly, gracefully.

lep­us, lep­oris m. a hare.

Ler­naeus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of Ler­na (a for­est near Argos).

levis, leve adj. light; false, worth­less; unimportant.

lev­itās, lev­itātis f. light­ness, speed.

levō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. light­en, relieve.

lēx, lēgis f. law.

liber, librī m. book.

līber, lībera, līberum adj. free, unfet­tered, independent.

Līber, Līberī m. an Ital­ian god.

līberō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. free, release.

lībertās, lībertātis f. lib­er­ty, freedom.

lībra, ‑ae f. bal­ance, scales; a pound; Lībra, a constellation.

Libya, ‑ae f. Libya.

licet, licēre, licuit, — v. (imper­son­al) it is per­mit­ted, is allowed; may; mihi licet īre, I may go, I am per­mit­ted to go.

līc­tor, līc­tōris m. lic­tor, offi­cial atten­dant of a magistrate.

līgnum, ‑ī n. stick of fire­wood, tim­ber, wood; tree.

lin­gua, ‑ae f. the tongue; language.

lit­tera, ‑ae f. in the sing. a let­ter of the alpha­bet; in the pl. a let­ter, an epistle.

lītus, lītoris n. shore, bank.

locō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. place, put, station.

locus, ‑ī m. place, posi­tion; oppor­tu­ni­ty; pl. loca, ‑ōrum n.

lon­gitūdō, lon­gitū­di­nis f. length.

longus, ‑a, ‑um adj. long.

loquor, loquī, locū­tus v. speak, say.

lōrum, ‑ī n. thong, rein.

lūbri­cus, ‑a, ‑um adj. slip­pery; deceit­ful, evil.

Lūcius, Lūcī m. a Roman praenomen.

lūc­tus, ‑ūs m. grief, sor­row, trouble.

lūmen, lūmin­is n. light, a light.

lūna, ‑ae f. the moon.

lupa, ‑ae f. she-wolf.

lupus, ‑ī m. wolf.

lūstrālis, lūstrāle adj.puri­fy­ing, of purification.

lūx, lūcis f. light; lūce ori­ente, at the com­ing of the light, at day­break; prīmā lūce, at daybreak.

lūx­uriō­sus, ‑a, ‑um (lūx­uria, lux­u­ry, and -ōsus, full of) adj. lux­u­ri­ous, extrav­a­gant, prodi­gal, profligate.