A Latin Reader

8. Safety Better than Sweets

Lupus capram in altā rūpe stan­tem cōn­spicā­tus est, quam ita adlocū­tus est: “Cūr nōn relin­quis nūda illa et ster­il­ia loca, et hūc dēs­cendis in her­bidōs cam­pōs, quī tibi lae­tum pābu­lum dabunt?” Cui capra ita respon­dit: “Mihi nōn est in ani­mō dul­cia tūtīs praepōnere.”


Present par­tici­ple of stō, stand.

From adlo­quor, speak to, address.


mihi, etc.: “I do not intend to place sweets before safe­ty.” Lit­er­al­ly, it is not in mind to me to place, etc. The sub­ject of est is praepōnere.

safe­ty; lit­er­al­ly, safe things. Dative of Indi­rect Object.