A Latin Reader

7. When Thieves Fall Out

Duo hom­inēs, qui ūnā iter faciēbant, asinum in sōl­itū­dine cōn­spicātī sunt. Accur­runt laetī et uterque eum sibi vin­dicāre coepit. Dum vērō con­tendunt, nec ā ver­beribus absti­nent, asi­nus fūgit, et neuter eum cēpit.

An adverb, togeth­er.

joy­ful­ly, for Eng­lish more often uses an adverb in such expressions.

each of the two or both.

The present tense often occurs in claus­es intro­duced by dum, but in Eng­lish the imper­fect should be used when the ref­er­ence is plain­ly to the past.

nec… absti­nent: and did not refrain.