A Latin Reader
p class=“r”>vacuus, ‑a, ‑um adj. empty, uninhabited.
vādō, vādere, —, — v. go hurriedly, rush.
vae interj., woe!
vagor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. wander.
valē (imperative of valeō, be well), farewell! goodby!
valeō, valēre, valuī, valitūrus, be strong, be well; goodby, farewell.
validē adv. strongly, very much.
validus, ‑a, ‑um adj. strong, powerful.
vallēs, vallis f. valley.
vāstitūdō, vāstitūdinis f. huge size, vastness.
-ve conj. (enclitic), or. -ve…
-ve, either… or.
vectīgal, vectīgālis n. revenue, income.
vehō, vehere, vēxī, vectus v. bear, carry, draw; pass. ride.
Vēientēs, Vēientium m. the Veientines, the people of Veii.
vēnātrīx, vēnātrīcis f. huntress.
vēndō, vēndere, vēndidī, vēnditus v. sell.
venēnum, ‑ī n. poison.
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus v. come.
vēnor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. hunt, get by hunting.
ventus, ‑ī m. wind.
Venus, Veneris f. goddess of love; one of the planets.
venustē adv. gracefully, charmingly.
vēr, vēris n. the spring, springtime.
verber, verberis n. whip; blow, lash, whipping.
verbum, ‑ī n. a word.
verēcundia, ‑ae f. respect, regard.
Vergiliae, ‑ārum f. the Pleiades.
Vergilius, Vergilī m. Vergil, a gentile name. Publius Vergilius Maro, a famous Roman poet.
vēritās, vēritātis f. truth.
vērō conj. but.
vērō adv. in truth, in fact.
verruca, ‑ae f. a high rough hill, a height.
versus prep. with acc. toward, in the direction of.
versus, ‑ūs m. a verse, poetry.
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus v. turn; terga vertere, flee.
vērum, ‑ī n. truth.
vērus, ‑a, ‑um adj. true. vēra, true things, facts.
vester, vestra, vestrum pron. your.
vestibulum, ‑ī n. entrance, forecourt, vestibule.
vestigium, vestīgī n. sole of the foot, sole; track, footstep, trace, mark.
vestis, vestis f. garment, clothing.
vetus, veteris adj. old, ancient; former; of long standing; comp. vetustior; superl. veterrimus.
vetustās, vetustātis f. age, old age.
via, ‑ae f. way, road, route; journey.
vīcīnus, ‑a, ‑um adj. near, neighboring, adjoining.
vīctor, vīctōris m. victor.
vīctōria, ‑ae f. victory, triumph.
vīctus, ‑us m. living; food, sustenance.
videō, vidēre, vidi, vīsus v. see behold; pass. seem, appear good.
vigilāns, vigilantis adj. wakeful, vigilant, watchful.
vigilantia, ‑ae f. watchfulness, care.
vigor, vigōris m. freshness, strength, vigor.
villa, ‑ae f. country house, villa
vinciō, vincīre, vinxī, vīnctus v. bind, fasten.
vincō, vincere, vīcī, vīctus v. conquer, overcome.
vindicō, ‑āre, ‑āvi, ‑ātus v. claim; punish, avenge.
violō, ‑āre, ‑āvi, ‑ātus v. injure, violate.
vir, virī m. man, husband; hero.
virga, ‑ae f. a rod.
virgō, virginis f. maiden, virgin; Virgō (a constellation); virginēs Vestālēs, the Vestal Virgins, priestesses of Vesta.
virgula, ‑ae (dim. of virga, rod) f. a small rod.
viridis, viride adj. fresh, blooming, green.
virtūs, virtūtis f. manliness, virtue; courage.
vīs, —, —, vī, vīrēs, vīrium, etc. f. force, might; power, strength; large number, quantity.
vīta, ‑ae f. life.
vitium, vitī n. weakness, fault, vice.
vītō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. avoid, shun.
vīvāx, vīvācis adj. lively, quick.
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctūrus v. live.
vix adv. barely, scarcely, hardly.
vocō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. call, name.
volō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. fly.
volō, velle, voluī, — v. wish, desire; be willing,
volucris, volucris f. flying creature, bird.
voluntārius, ‑a, ‑um adj. voluntary.
voluntās, voluntātis f. desire, wish.
volvō, volvere, volvī, volūtus v. roll.
voveō, vovēre, vōvī, vōtus v. vow, promise.
vōx, vōcis f. voice; word.
vulnerō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. wound, injure.
vulnus, vulneris n. wound.
vulpēcula, ‑ae (dim. of vulpēs, fox) f. little fox.
vulpēs, vulpis f. fox.
vultus, ‑ūs m. face, countenance; expression.