A Latin Reader


taber­na, ‑ae f. shop.

tab­u­la, ‑ae f. tablet.

tac­i­tus, ‑a, ‑um (par­tici­ple of taceō, be still) v. silent, in silence.

tal­en­tum, ‑ī n. a tal­ent, a sum of money.

tālis, tāle adj. such, of such a sort.

tam adv. so, so much.

tamen adv. nev­er­the­less, yet, still.

tamquam adv. like, as; as if.

tan­dem adv. at last, finally.

tangō, tan­gere, tetigī, tāc­tus v. touch.

tan­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. so great, so large.

tarditās, tarditātis f. slug­gish­ness, slowness.

tardō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. delay, linger, loiter.

Tar­en­tum, ‑ī n. a Greek city in South­ern Italy.

Tar­quīnius, Tar­quīnī m. Tar­quinius, name of two kings. Lucius Tar­quinius Priscus, fifth king of Rome. Tar­quinius Super­bus, the last of the Roman kings.

Tar­tara, ‑ōrum n. the infer­nal regions, Tartarus.

tau­rus, ‑ī m. bull; the Bull (a con­stel­la­tion).

Tau­rus, ‑ī m. an Athen­ian philosopher.

tēc­tum, ‑ī (part of tegō, cov­er) n. roof.

tegō, tegere, tēxī, tēc­tus v. cov­er, hide.

tegu­men­tum, ‑ī n. covering.

tel­lūs, tel­lūris f. earth, soil.

tēlum, ‑ī n. weapon.

tem­perā­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. mod­er­ate, temperate.

tem­pestās, tem­pestātis (tem­pus) f. weath­er; bad weath­er, storm, tempest.

tem­pestīvus, ‑a, ‑um adj. early.

tem­plum, ‑ī n. temple.

tem­porī adv. early.

tem­pus, tem­po­ris n. time, season.

tendō, ten­dere, tetendī, ten­tus v. turn, pur­sue one’s way, go.

tene­brō­sus, ‑a, ‑um adj. dark, gloomy.

teneō, ter­iēre, tenuī, ten­tus v. hold.

tenuis, tenue v. thin; small, slen­der, triv­ial, insignificant.

ter­gum, ‑ī n. back, rear; ā tergō, behind.

ternī, ‑ae, ‑a adj. three each, three by three, in threes.

terō, terere, trīvī, trī­tus v. rub, wear away; tem­pus terere, use up time, kill time.

ter­ra, ‑ae f. a land, a coun­try, earth.

ter­reō, ter­rēre, ter­ruī, ter­ri­tus, ter­ri­fy v. frighten.

ter­ri­fi­cus, ‑a, ‑um adj. terrifying.

ter­ror, ter­rōris m. fright, fear.

ter­tius, ‑a, ‑um adj. third.

Themis­to­clēs, Themis­to­clis m. a dis­tin­guished Athen­ian general.

thēsaurus, ‑ī m. trea­sure chest, repos­i­to­ry, treasury.

Thes­salus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of Thes­saly, Thessalian.

Tiberīnus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of the Tiber, Tiber.

Tiberis, ‑is m. Tiber, the riv­er Tiber.

Tiberius, Tiberī m. the sec­ond Roman emperor.

tibī­cen, tibīci­nis m. trumpeter.

timeō, timēre, timuī, — v. fear, be afraid.

timidus, ‑a, ‑um adj. fear­ful, timid, cowardly.

tim­or, timōris m. fear, cowardice.

tintin­nābu­lum, ‑ī n. bell.

Titus, ‑ī m. a Roman praenomen.

tol­lō, tollere, sus­tulī, sub­lā­tus v. raise, lift up; take, take away, remove.

Tonāns, Tonan­tis m. the Thun­der­er, Jupiter.

ton­deō, tondēre, totondī, tōn­sus v. shave, shear.

toni­trus, ‑ūs m. thunder.

tor­reō, tor­rēre, tor­ruī, tōs­tus v. dry, bake, roast.

tot adj. so many.

tōtus, ‑a, ‑um adj. whole, all, altogether.

trac­tō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (freq. of trahō, draw) v. treat.

trādō, trādere, trā­didī, trādi­tus v. hand over, give over; trādi­tur, it is related.

trādūcō, trādūcere, trādūxī, trā- duc­tus (dūcō, lead) v. transfer.

trahō, tra­here, trāxī, trac­tus v. draw; take on, assume.

tramēs, trami­tis m. pathway.

trānō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (, swim) v. swim across.

tran­quil­lus, ‑a, ‑um adj. calm, peaceful.

trāns prep. with acc. across.

trānseō, trān­sīre, trān­siī, trān­si­tus v. cross over, go over.

trāns­ferō, trāns­ferre, trān­stulī, trānslā­tus (ferō, car­ry) v. car­ry over, trans­fer, remove, change; sē trāns­ferre, go over to.

trāns­figūrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. change, trans­form.

tre­cen­tī, ‑ae, ‑a adj. three hundred.

tre­dec­im adj. thirteen.

trem­i­bun­dus, ‑a, ‑um adj. trem­bling with fear.

trēs, tria adj. three.

tribulō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. trou­ble, harass.

tribū­nal, tribūnālis n. commander’s seat, judg­ment seat, tribunal.

tribūnus, ‑ī m. a tri­bune, an offi­cer in the Roman army.

tribū­tum, ‑ī (par­tici­ple of tribuo, assign) n. tax.

tridēns, tri­den­tis m. three-tined spear, trident.

trī­du­um, ‑ī n. a peri­od of three days, three days.

tri­en­ni­um, tri­en­nī n. a peri­od of three years, three years.

trigemi­nus, ‑a, ‑um adj. three­fold, triple; trigem­inī, triplets.

Trītōn, Trītō­nis (acc. Trītō­na) m. a sea god.

tri­um­phus, ‑ī m. a tri­umphal pro­ces­sion (an hon­or allowed vic­to­ri­ous generals).

Trōia, ‑ae f. Troy, the city of Priam.

Trōiānus, ‑a, ‑um adv. Tro­jan, of Troy; as sub­st. Trōiānī, the Trojans.

trux, tru­cis adj. fierce, savage.

tū, tuī pers. pron. you.

tuba, ‑ae f. trumpet.

tue­or, tuērī, tui­tus v. behold.

Tul­lus, ‑ī m. Tul­lus, a Roman name. Tul­lus Hos­til­ius, third king of Rome.

tum adv. then, at that time; cum… tum, not only… but also.

tumul­tus, ‑ūs m. uproar, outcry.

tunc adv. then, at that time.

tur­ba, ‑ae f. throng, crowd.

tur­bidus, ‑a, ‑um adj. con­fused, violent.

tur­ris, tur­ris f. tower.

Tuscī, ‑ōrum m. the Etruscans.

tūte adj. a strength­ened form of .

tūtus, ‑a, ‑um (part. of tue­or), pro­tect­ed, safe, secure; in tū- tum, to safety.

tuus, ‑a, ‑um poss. pron. thy, thine, your.

Typhōn, Typhō­nis m. a giant (a fabled mon­ster with a hun­dred heads).