A Latin Reader


Ō interj. O! Oh!

ob prep. with acc. on account of.

obliqu­us, ‑a, ‑um adj. slant­i­ng, cross­wise, oblique.

oboediō, oboedīre, oboedīvī, oboedī­tus v. lis­ten to; obey.

obruō, obruere, obruī, obru­tus (ruō, fall) v. over­whelm, crush; cov­er; sow, plant.

obse­quibilis, obse­quibile v. obe­di­ent, compliant.

observō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. notice, give heed to.

obsidiō, obsidiō­nis f. siege, invest­ment, blockade.

obstu­pe­faciō, obstu­pe­facere, obstu­pe­fēcī, obstu­pe­fac­tus v. aston­ish, astound, amaze.

obtineō, obt­inēre, obt­in­uī, obten­tus (teneō, hold) v. hold; main­tain; prevail.

obtruncō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (truncō, lop) v. cut to pieces, kill.

obvi­am adv. in the way, against, to meet; obvi­am veniō, meet.

occāsiō, occāsiō­nis f. oppor­tu­ni­ty, occasion.

occā­sus, ‑ūs m. setting.

occidēns, occi­den­tis m. the set­ting sun; the West.

occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occī­sus (ob and caedō, cut) v. kill, slay.

occupō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. take pos­ses­sion of, seize; perf. part. busy, engaged, occupied.

Oceanus, ‑ī m. the ocean.

octō, eight.

ocu­lus, ‑ī m. the eye; in oculīs, before our eyes.

offerō, offerre, obtulī, oblā­tus (ob and ferō, bring) v. bring before, present, offer.

oleum, ‑ī n. oil.

Olympia, ‑ae f. Olympia, the place in Greece where the Olympic games were held.

omnipotēns, omnipo­ten­tis adj. all-powerful.

omnis, omne adj. all, every, the whole.

onerō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. load, load down, burden.

onus, oner­is n. load, burden.

onus­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. laden, loaded, burdened.

opera, ‑ae f. effort, work, ser­vice; oper­ae pretium est, it is worth while.

oper­iō, operīre, ope­ruī, oper­tus (ob and per­iō, cov­er) v. cov­er, overwhelm.

opifex, opi­fi­cis, m. and f., work­er, maker.

opī­mus, ‑a, ‑um adj. rich, fat.

opīniō, opīniō­nis f. belief, notion, opinion.

oppidum, ‑ī n. walled town, town.

opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppres­sus (ob and pre­mō, crush) v. crush, destroy.

oppugnātiō, oppugnātiō­nis f. assault, storming.

ops, opis f. pow­er, means; help, assistance.

optō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. choose, select, pre­fer; desire, wish.

opus, operis n. work; need, necessity.

orbis, orbis m. cir­cle; orbis ter- rārum, the world.

ōrdior, ōrdīrī, ōrsus v. begin, commence.

ōrdō, ōrdi­nis m. bank (of oars) rank, (of sol­diers) line.

oriēns, ori­en­tis m. the ris­ing sun, the East.

Ōrīōn, Ōrīō­nis m. a myth­i­cal giant; name of a constellation.

ori­or, orīrī, ortus v. arise, rise, spring from.

ōrnō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. equip, pre­pare. •

ōrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. beg, plead, urge.

ortus, ‑ūs m. rising.

ōs, ōris n. the mouth; face, countenance.

os, ossis n. bone.

ostendō, osten­dere, ostendī, osten­tus (os (equals ob) and tendō, stretch) v. hold out, extend; show, display.

ōstium, ōstī (ōs, mouth) n. an entrance, door; mouth (of rivers).

ōtiō­sus, ‑a, ‑um (ōtium, qui­et) adj. calm, qui­et, tran­quil, undisturbed.

ovis, ovis f. sheep.

ōvum, ‑ī n. egg.