A Latin Reader


nam conj. for.

nār­rō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. describe, nar­rate, tell.

nās­cor, nāscī, nātus v. be born.

Nāsī­ca, ‑ae m. one of the names of Pub­lius Cor­nelius Sci­pio Nasica.

nātūrālis, nātūrāle adj. nat­ur­al; usual.

nau­ta, ‑ae m. sailor.

nāvigō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. go in a boat, sail.

nāvis, nāvis f. ship, boat.

-ne enclitic the sign of a question.

conj. that not, lest.

adv., not; used in com­mands, exhor­ta­tions, and wishes.

neb­u­la, ‑ae f. mist, vapor, fog, cloud.

nec, see neque.

necesse (indec­lin­able) adj. nec­es­sary, inevitable.

necō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. kill.

nec­tar, nec­taris n. nec­tar, drink of the gods.

negō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. say no, refuse, deny.

negōtium, negōtī (nec, not, and ōtium, leisure) n. busi­ness, undertaking.

nēmō dat. nēminī, acc. nēminem (ne, not, and homō, human being), nobody, no one. (In the oth­er cas­es and in the plur­al forms of nūl­lus are used.)

Nep­tunus, ‑ī m. Nep­tune, divin­i­ty who ruled the sea.

neque or nec (ne, not, and que, and) conj. and… not, nor; neque… neque, nei­ther… nor.

nequīquam adv. in vain, to no pur­pose, needlessly.

neuter, neu­tra, neu­trum adj. nei­ther (of two).

nīdu­lor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. build a lit­tle nest, build a nest.

nīdu­lus, ‑ī (dim. of nidus, nest) m. lit­tle nest.

nīdus, ‑ī m. nest.

nihil (indec­lin­able) n. nothing.

nīl (indec­lin­able) n. nothing.

nim­bus, ‑ī m. rain cloud.

nimis adv. in excess, too much.

nim­ius, ‑a, ‑um adj. exces­sive, too great, too much.

nisi conj. if not, unless, except.

nīsus, ‑ūs m. endeav­or, effort, exertion.

nitor, nitōris m. bril­liance, brightness.

nō, nāre, nāvī, nātus v. swim.

nōbilis, nōbile adj. known, famous; of noble birth, of high station.

nōbil­itō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (nobilis, known) v. make known; make famous, ren­der renowned.

noc­tū adv. by night, at nigh.

nōlō, nolle, nōluī, — (ne, not, volō, wish) v. not wish, be unwilling.

nōmen, nomin­is n. a name.

nōn adv. not.

nōn­dum adv. not yet.

nōscō, nōscere, nōvī, nōtus v. learn, know.

nōs­metip­sī adj. strength­ened form of nōs.

nos­ter, nos­tra, nos­trum poss. pron. our, our own.

notā­bilis, notā­bile adj. notice­able, noteworthy.

nōti­tia, ‑ae f. acquaintance.

Notus, ‑ī m. the South Wind.

novus, ‑a, ‑um adj. new, nov­el, strange.

nox, noc­tis f. the night; dē nocte, by night.

nūbēs, nūbis f. a cloud.

nūbi­la, ‑ōrum n. clouds.

nūdō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. lay bare, expose.

nūdus, ‑a, ‑um adj. bare, exposed.

nūgā­tor, nūgātōris (nūgor, play the fool) m. tri­fler, sil­ly person.

nul­lus, ‑a, ‑um ( and ūllus, any), not any, no, none.

num, adv. (Shows in ques­tions that a neg­a­tive answer is expect­ed, as num scrībis? you are not writ­ing, are you?)

nūmen, nūmin­is n. divin­i­ty, divine authority.

numerus, ‑ī m. number.

Numi­tor, Numi­toris m. a son of Sil­vius Procas.

numquam (, not, umquam, ever) adv. never.

nunc adv. now, at this time; after all, as it is.

nūn­tia, ‑ae f. messenger.

nūn­tiō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. report, tell.

nūn­tius, nūn­tī m. messenger.

nūper adv. recent­ly, lately.