A Latin Reader
M. abbreviation of Mārcus.
machina, ‑ae f. machine; device, trick, trap.
machinātor, machinātōris m. plotter, schemer.
madidus, ‑a, ‑um adj. dripping.
magis adv. more; superl. maximē, most, especially.
magister, magistrī m. master; teacher; magister equitum, master of horse.
magistrātus, ‑ūs (cf. magister, master) m. magistrate; magistracy.
magnitūdō, magnitūdinis, f. greatness, large size, magnitude.
magnopere (magnō opere, with great effort) adv. greatly, very much.
magnus, ‑a, ‑um (comp., maior; superl. maximus) adj. great, large.
maiestās, maiestātis f. greatness; dignity, authority.
maior, see magnus.
male adv. badly, ill, wrongly, wickedly.
maledīcō, maledīcere, maledīxī, maledictus (dīcō, say) v. abuse, reproach, be abusive.
maleficus, ‑ī m. evil doer.
mālō, mālle, māluī, — (magis and volō, wish) v. wish more, prefer.
malum, ‑ī n. evil, an evil, an evil thing; misfortune, calamity.
malus, ‑a, ‑um (comp. pēior; superl. pessimus) adj. bad, evil, wicked; as subst. the bad, the wicked.
maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsūrus v. stay behind, remain.
manifēstus, ‑a, ‑um adj. clearly seen, visible.
mānsuēs, mānsuētis adj. tame, kind, gentle.
manus, ‑ūs f. a hand; a hand at work, workman; a band.
Mārcus, ‑ī m. a common Roman praenomen.
mare, maris n. sea, the sea.
Mārs, Mārtis m. the god of war; a planet.
massa, ‑ae f. mass, quantity.
māter, mātris f. mother.
mātrimōnium, mātrimōnī (māter, mother) n. matrimony; in mātrimōnium dūcere, marry (used only of the men).
mātūrus, ‑a, ‑um adj. early, immediate.
maximus, see magnus.
Maximus, ‑ī m. a family name. Q. Fabius Maximus, the general who fought against Hannibal.
mēcum = cum mē.
medicus, ‑ī m. doctor, physician, surgeon.
meditor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. meditate, ponder.
medius, ‑a, ‑um adj. in the middle, middle; in medium, into the center; in mediō, in the midst.
mēhercule, by Hercules!
mel, mellis n. honey.
membrum, ‑ī n. limb, member, part .
memor, memoris adj. mindful; estō memor, remember.
memoria, ‑ae f. memory; recollection, record.
memorō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. relate, tell, narrate.
mēns, mentis f. mind, intellect, reason; purpose, meaning, thought.
mēnsa, ‑ae f. table.
mercēs, mercēdis f. reward, pay, recompense.
Mercūrius, Mercūrī m. Mercury (a planet).
mereō, merēre, meruī, meritus v. deserve, merit, earn.
mereor, merērī, meritus v. deserve, merit, earn.
mergō, mergere, mersī, mersus v. sink, send to the bottom; disappear.
merīdiānus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of midday, of noon; sōl merīdiānus, the noonday sun.
merīdiēs, — m. noon; the South.
messis, messis (metō, reap) f. harvest, reaping.
metō, metere, messuī, messus v. reap; mow, pluck, cut.
Mettius, Mettī m. a Roman name. See Curtius and Fufētius.
metuēns, metuentis adj. fearing, having regard for.
metus, ‑ūs m. fear, anxiety.
meus, mea, meum, poss. pron. my, mine.
migrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. change one’s residence, move, remove.
miles, mīlitis m. soldier; soldiery, army.
mīlitāris, mīlitāre adj. military.
mīlle (indeclinable) a thousand, thousand; pl., mīlia, mīlium, etc.
Milō, ‑ōnis m. a wrell-known athlete of Croton.
milvius, milvī m. kite (a bird).
mināciter adv. menacingly, threateningly.
minimus, stiperl. of parvus, which see.
minitor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. threaten.
minor see parvus.
minus adv. less.
mīrābilis, mīrābile adj.wonderful, marvelous.
mīrāculum, ‑ī n. wonder, marvel.
mīrificus, ‑a, ‑um adj. wonderful, marvelous.
miser, misera, miserum adj. wretched, unfortunate; miserī, the unfortunate.
misericordia, ‑ae f. tenderness, mercy, compassion.
missilia, missilium n. missiles.
mītis, mīte adj. gentle.
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus v. send; throw, cast.
moderor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. control.
modo adv. only, merely; if only.
modus, ‑ī m. manner, way.
molestus, ‑a, ‑um adj. burdensome, irksome, disagreeable.
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus v. warn, remind, admonish, advise.
monīle, monīlis n. necklace, collar.
mōns, montis m. mountain.
mōnstrō, ‑are, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. point out, show.
montānus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of the mountains, mountain.
mora, ‑ae f. delay, hesitation.
moribundus, ‑a, ‑um adj. dying.
morior, morī, mortuus v. die; perf. part. mortuī, the dead.
moror, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. delay, linger, wait; care for, heed.
mors, mortis f. death.
morsus, ‑ūs m. a bite, a biting.
mortālis, mortāle adj. mortal, human.
mortuus, ‑a, ‑um adj. see morior.
mōs, mōris m. custom, habit; pl. mōrēs, character.
mōtus, ‑ūs m. motion.
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus v. move, stir, set in motion.
mox adv. soon, presently, quickly.
Mūcius, Mūcī m. a Roman gentile name. Mucius Scaevola, the Roman who tried to kill Por- senna.
mulceō, mulcēre, mulsī, mulsus v. fondle, caress.
mulier, mulieris f. woman; wife.
multifāriam adv. in many places.
multitūdō, multitūdinis f. great number, numbers.
multum adv. much; comp. plūs; superl. plūrimum.
multus, ‑a, ‑um adj. comp. plūs; superl. plūrimus, much; in pl. many.
mundus, ‑ī m. world, universe.
mūnus, mūneris n. duty, service, function, office; gift, reward.
murmur, murmuris n. murmuring, roaring.
mūs, mūris m. mouse.
musa, ‑ae f. Muse, one of the nine Muses.
mūsculus, ‑ī (dim. of mūs, mouse), little mouse.
mūtō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. change, alter.
mutuus, ‑a, ‑um adj. reciprocal, on both sides, mutual.
Myndiī, ‑ōrum m. the people of Myndus.
Myndus, ‑ī f. a very small city of Asia Minor.