A Latin Reader


M. abbre­vi­a­tion of Mār­cus.

machi­na, ‑ae f. machine; device, trick, trap.

mach­inā­tor, mach­inātōris m. plot­ter, schemer.

madidus, ‑a, ‑um adj. dripping.

magis adv. more; superl. max­imē, most, especially.

mag­is­ter, mag­istrī m. mas­ter; teacher; mag­is­ter equi­tum, mas­ter of horse.

mag­istrā­tus, ‑ūs (cf. mag­is­ter, mas­ter) m. mag­is­trate; magistracy.

mag­nitūdō, mag­nitū­di­nis, f. great­ness, large size, magnitude.

magnopere (mag­nō opere, with great effort) adv. great­ly, very much.

mag­nus, ‑a, ‑um (comp., maior; superl. max­imus) adj. great, large.

maiestās, maiestātis f. great­ness; dig­ni­ty, authority.

maior, see mag­nus.

male adv. bad­ly, ill, wrong­ly, wickedly.

maledīcō, maledīcere, maledīxī, male­dic­tus (dīcō, say) v. abuse, reproach, be abusive.

malefi­cus, ‑ī m. evil doer.

mālō, mālle, māluī, — (magis and volō, wish) v. wish more, prefer.

malum, ‑ī n. evil, an evil, an evil thing; mis­for­tune, calamity.

malus, ‑a, ‑um (comp. pēior; superl. pes­simus) adj. bad, evil, wicked; as sub­st. the bad, the wicked.

maneō, manēre, mān­sī, mān­sūrus v. stay behind, remain.

man­i­fēs­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. clear­ly seen, visible.

mān­suēs, mān­suētis adj. tame, kind, gentle.

manus, ‑ūs f. a hand; a hand at work, work­man; a band.

Mār­cus, ‑ī m. a com­mon Roman praenomen.

mare, maris n. sea, the sea.

Mārs, Mār­tis m. the god of war; a planet.

mas­sa, ‑ae f. mass, quantity.

māter, mātris f. mother.

mātrimōni­um, mātrimōnī (māter, moth­er) n. mat­ri­mo­ny; in mātrimōni­um dūcere, mar­ry (used only of the men).

mātūrus, ‑a, ‑um adj. ear­ly, immediate.

max­imus, see mag­nus.

Max­imus, ‑ī m. a fam­i­ly name. Q. Fabius Max­imus, the gen­er­al who fought against Hannibal.

mēcum = cum mē.

medicus, ‑ī m. doc­tor, physi­cian, surgeon.

med­i­tor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. med­i­tate, ponder.

medius, ‑a, ‑um adj. in the mid­dle, mid­dle; in medi­um, into the cen­ter; in mediō, in the midst.

mēher­cule, by Hercules!

mel, mel­lis n. honey.

mem­brum, ‑ī n. limb, mem­ber, part .

mem­or, mem­o­ris adj. mind­ful; estō mem­or, remem­ber.

memo­ria, ‑ae f. mem­o­ry; rec­ol­lec­tion, record.

mem­o­rō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. relate, tell, narrate.

mēns, men­tis f. mind, intel­lect, rea­son; pur­pose, mean­ing, thought.

mēn­sa, ‑ae f. table.

mer­cēs, mer­cēdis f. reward, pay, recompense.

Mer­cūrius, Mer­cūrī m. Mer­cury (a plan­et).

mereō, merēre, meruī, mer­i­tus v. deserve, mer­it, earn.

mere­or, merērī, mer­i­tus v. deserve, mer­it, earn.

mergō, merg­ere, mer­sī, mer­sus v. sink, send to the bot­tom; disappear.

merīdiānus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of mid­day, of noon; sōl merīdiānus, the noon­day sun.

merīdiēs, — m. noon; the South.

mes­sis, mes­sis (metō, reap) f. har­vest, reaping.

metō, metere, mes­suī, mes­sus v. reap; mow, pluck, cut.

Met­tius, Met­tī m. a Roman name. See Cur­tius and Fufētius.

metuēns, metuen­tis adj. fear­ing, hav­ing regard for.

metus, ‑ūs m. fear, anxiety.

meus, mea, meum, poss. pron. my, mine.

migrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. change one’s res­i­dence, move, remove.

miles, mīli­tis m. sol­dier; sol­diery, army.

mīl­itāris, mīl­itāre adj. military.

mīlle (indec­lin­able) a thou­sand, thou­sand; pl., mīlia, mīli­um, etc.

Milō, ‑ōnis m. a wrell-known ath­lete of Croton.

mil­vius, mil­vī m. kite (a bird).

mināciter adv. men­ac­ing­ly, threateningly.

min­imus, stiperl. of parvus, which see.

min­i­tor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. threaten.

minor see parvus.

minus adv. less.

mīrā­bilis, mīrā­bile adj.won­der­ful, marvelous.

mīrācu­lum, ‑ī n. won­der, marvel.

mīri­fi­cus, ‑a, ‑um adj. won­der­ful, marvelous.

miser, mis­era, miserum adj. wretched, unfor­tu­nate; mis­erī, the unfortunate.

mis­eri­cor­dia, ‑ae f. ten­der­ness, mer­cy, compassion.

mis­sil­ia, mis­sil­i­um n. missiles.

mītis, mīte adj. gentle.

mit­tō, mit­tere, mīsī, mis­sus v. send; throw, cast.

moderor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. control.

modo adv. only, mere­ly; if only.

modus, ‑ī m. man­ner, way.

moles­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. bur­den­some, irk­some, disagreeable.

mon­eō, monēre, monuī, moni­tus v. warn, remind, admon­ish, advise.

monīle, monīlis n. neck­lace, collar.

mōns, mon­tis m. mountain.

mōn­strō, ‑are, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. point out, show.

mon­tānus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of the moun­tains, mountain.

mora, ‑ae f. delay, hesitation.

mori­bun­dus, ‑a, ‑um adj. dying.

mori­or, morī, mor­tu­us v. die; perf. part. mor­tuī, the dead.

moror, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. delay, linger, wait; care for, heed.

mors, mor­tis f. death.

mor­sus, ‑ūs m. a bite, a biting.

mortālis, mortāle adj. mor­tal, human.

mor­tu­us, ‑a, ‑um adj. see mori­or.

mōs, mōris m. cus­tom, habit; pl. mōrēs, char­ac­ter.

mōtus, ‑ūs m. motion.

moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus v. move, stir, set in motion.

mox adv. soon, present­ly, quickly.

Mūcius, Mūcī m. a Roman gen­tile name. Mucius Scaevola, the Roman who tried to kill Por- senna.

mul­ceō, mul­cēre, mul­sī, mul­sus v. fon­dle, caress.

muli­er, mulieris f. woman; wife.

mul­ti­fāri­am adv. in many places.

mul­ti­tūdō, mul­ti­tū­di­nis f. great num­ber, numbers.

mul­tum adv. much; comp. plūs; superl. plūri­mum.

mul­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. comp. plūs; superl. plūrimus, much; in pl. many.

mundus, ‑ī m. world, universe.

mūnus, mūner­is n. duty, ser­vice, func­tion, office; gift, reward.

mur­mur, mur­muris n. mur­mur­ing, roaring.

mūs, mūris m. mouse.

musa, ‑ae f. Muse, one of the nine Muses.

mūs­cu­lus, ‑ī (dim. of mūs, mouse), lit­tle mouse.

mūtō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. change, alter.

mutu­us, ‑a, ‑um adj. rec­i­p­ro­cal, on both sides, mutual.

Myn­diī, ‑ōrum m. the peo­ple of Myndus.

Myn­dus, ‑ī f. a very small city of Asia Minor.