A Latin Reader
habēna, ‑ae f. thong, strap, rein.
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus v. have, hold, possess; regard, consider.
habitāculum, ‑ī n. dwelling place.
habitō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (freq. of habeō, have) v. dwell, reside.
hāc adv. in this place, here.
haedus, ‑ī m. goat.
haereō, haerēre, haesī, haesūrus v. stick to, cling, be fastened.
Hannibal, Hannibalis m. a well known Carthaginian general.
haud adv. not.
herbidus, ‑a, ‑um adj. grassy.
Herculēs, Herculis m. Hercule (son of Jupiter).
herī adv. yesterday.
Herminius, Herminī m. a Roman name. Titus Herminius, a Ro man soldier.
hesternus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of yesterday, yesterday’s.
hīc adv. here, in this place hereupon, at this point.
hīc, haec, hoc dem. pron. this.
hiems, hiemis f. winter.
hinc adv. from here, hence; hinc... hinc, now… now.
hodiē adv. today.
hodiernus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of today, to day’s, this day’s.
homō, hominis m. human being, man, fellow.
honestās, honestātis f. honor uprightness.
honor, honōris m. honor, distinction, public office.
honōror, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. honor.
hōra, ‑ae f. an hour (one twelftl of the time between sunrise anc sunset).
Horātius, Horātī m. Horatius, i Roman family name; Horātiī
the Horatii, the brothers who fought against the Curiatii.
horrendus, ‑a, ‑um adj. terrifying, horrible.
horridus, ‑a, ‑um adj. dreadful, horrible, abominable.
hortor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. urge, exhort.
hortus, ‑ī m. garden.
hospes, hospitis m. host, friend.
Hostilius, Hostilī m. a family name.
hostis, hostis m. enemy, public enemy.
Hostius, Hostī m. a Roman leader.
hūc adv. hither, to this place.
hūmānus, ‑a, ‑um adj. human, belonging to mankind.
humerus, ‑ī m. the upper part of the arm, muscle; the shoulder.
humus, ‑ī f. earth, ground, soil.
Hyadēs, ‑um f. a group of seven stars in the head of Taurus.
hydra, ‑ae water serpent; hydra Lernaea, the Lernaean Hydra.