A Latin Reader


habē­na, ‑ae f. thong, strap, rein.

habeō, habēre, habuī, habi­tus v. have, hold, pos­sess; regard, consider.

habitācu­lum, ‑ī n. dwelling place.

habitō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (freq. of habeō, have) v. dwell, reside.

hāc adv. in this place, here.

hae­dus, ‑ī m. goat.

haereō, haerēre, haesī, haesūrus v. stick to, cling, be fastened.

Han­ni­bal, Han­ni­balis m. a well known Carthagin­ian general.

haud adv. not.

her­bidus, ‑a, ‑um adj. grassy.

Her­culēs, Her­culis m. Her­cule (son of Jupiter).

herī adv. yesterday.

Her­minius, Her­minī m. a Roman name. Titus Her­minius, a Ro man soldier.

hes­ter­nus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of yes­ter­day, yesterday’s.

hīc adv. here, in this place here­upon, at this point.

hīc, haec, hoc dem. pron. this.

hiems, hiemis f. winter.

hinc adv. from here, hence; hinc... hinc, now… now.

hodiē adv. today.

hodier­nus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of today, to day’s, this day’s.

homō, homin­is m. human being, man, fellow.

hon­estās, hon­estātis f. hon­or uprightness.

hon­or, honōris m. hon­or, dis­tinc­tion, pub­lic office.

honōror, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. honor.

hōra, ‑ae f. an hour (one twelftl of the time between sun­rise anc sunset).

Horātius, Horātī m. Hor­atius, i Roman fam­i­ly name; Horātiī

the Hor­atii, the broth­ers who fought against the Curiatii.

hor­ren­dus, ‑a, ‑um adj. ter­ri­fy­ing, horrible.

hor­ridus, ‑a, ‑um adj. dread­ful, hor­ri­ble, abominable.

hor­tor, ‑ārī, ‑ātus v. urge, exhort.

hor­tus, ‑ī m. garden.

hos­pes, hos­pi­tis m. host, friend.

Hos­til­ius, Hos­tilī m. a fam­i­ly name.

hostis, hostis m. ene­my, pub­lic enemy.

Hostius, Hostī m. a Roman leader.

hūc adv. hith­er, to this place.

hūmānus, ‑a, ‑um adj. human, belong­ing to mankind.

humerus, ‑ī m. the upper part of the arm, mus­cle; the shoulder.

humus, ‑ī f. earth, ground, soil.

Hyadēs, ‑um f. a group of sev­en stars in the head of Taurus.

hydra, ‑ae water ser­pent; hydra Ler­naea, the Ler­naean Hydra.