A Latin Reader


faber, fab­rī m. smith, car­pen­ter, worker.

Fabius, Fabi m. a Roman gen­tile name. Quin­tus Fabius Max­imus, a famous Roman general.

Fab­rī­cius, Fab­rīcī m. a Roman fam­i­ly name. Gaius Fabri­cius, a Roman famous for incorruptibility.

fab­ricō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. con­struct, make, build, fash­ion, form.

fābu­la, ‑ae f. nar­ra­tive, sto­ry, fable.

fābulā­tor, fābulātōris m. writer of fables.

facētē adv. wit­ti­ly, facetiously.

faciēs, ‑ēī f. form, appearance;

the face.

facile adv. eas­i­ly, readily.

fac­i­nus, faci­noris n. deed; lat­er, evil deed.

faciō, facere, fēcī, fac­tus, do v. make, accomplish.

fac­tum, ‑ī (faciō, do) n. deed; undertaking.

fal­sus, ‑a, ‑um adj. ground­less, base­less, incorrect.

falx, fal­cis f. hook, sick­le, scythe.

famēs, fam­is f. hunger, starvation.

famil­iāris, famil­iāre (famil­ia, house­hold) v. of a house­hold, private.

famu­la, ‑ae f. female ser­vant, handmaid.

fas­cis, fas­cis m. bundle.

fatīgō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. weary, tire.

fātum, ‑ī n. fate, destiny.

faucēs, fau­ci­um f. the throat, jaws.

Faus­tu­lus, ‑ī m. the shep­herd who adopt­ed Romu­lus and Remus.

fēlīc­itās, fēlīc­itātis f. good for­tune, success.

fēlis, fēlis f. cat.

fēlix, fēlī­cis adj. for­tu­nate, happy.

fēmi­na, ‑ae f. woman.

fēmineus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of woman.

fera, ‑ae f. wild beast, animal.

ferē adv. almost, about, nearly.

fer­ī­na, ‑ae f. flesh of wild animals.

fer­īnus, ‑a, ‑um adj. belong­ing to wild beasts, wild.

fer­mē adv. almost, near­ly; about.

ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus v. bear, car­ry; pas­sive, be said.

fer­ōx, fer­ō­cis adj. fierce, warlike.

fer­rum, ‑ī n. iron; a sword, weapon.

fer­vō, fer­vere, —, — v. glow, burn, be hot.

fer­vor, fer­vōris m. heat.

fes­sus, ‑a, ‑um adj. tired, wearied.

fidēlis, fidēle adj. faith­ful, loyal.

Fīdē­nae, ‑ārum f. city of the Fidenates.

Fīdēnātēs, Fīdēnātium m. peo­ple of Fidenae.

fidēs, fidei f. good faith; promise, pledge, assur­ance; in fidem recipere, receive under protection.

fidū­cia, ‑ae f. con­fi­dence, trust.

figūra, ‑ae f. form, shape, figure.

fīlia, ‑ae f. daughter.

fīlius, fīlī m. son.

fin­gō, fin­gere, fīnxī, fīc­tus v. form, fash­ion, make.

fīniō, fīnīre, fīnīvī, fīnī­tus v. bring to an end, fin­ish, complete.

fīnis, fīnis m. end.

fīō, fierī, fac­tus (used as the pas­sive of faciō) v. be made, be done; become; come about, result, happen.

fīr­mus, ‑a, ‑um adj. strong, firm, sol­id, steady.

flā­grō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. burn, blaze, glow.

flā­men, flāmin­is n. blast, wind.

flam­ma, ‑ae f. fire, flame.

flavēscō, flavēscere, —, — (incep­tive of flaveō, be yel­low) v. begin to be yel­low, become yellow.

fleō, flēre, flēvī, flē­tus v. weep.

flōreō, flōrēre, flōrul, — v. blos­som, bloom; be brilliant.

flōs, flōris m. blos­som, flower.

fluc­tus, fluc­tūs m. wave, billow.

flū­men, flūmin­is n. stream, river.

fluō, fluere, fluxī, fluxus v. flow, run, drip.

focu­lus, ‑ī (dim. of focus, hearth) m. lit­tle hearth, pan for coals, portable stove.

foedē adv. disgracefully.

foe­dus, foed­eris n. treaty, covenant.

foe­dus, ‑a, ‑um adj. foul; dreadful.


foli­um, folī n. leaf (of a tree).

fōns, fontis m. foun­tain, source spring.

forent old form for essent.

foris, foris f. door, gate, entrance.

fōr­ma, ‑ae f. form, shape, beauty

for­mīdō, for­mī­di­nis f. fear.

fōr­mōsitās, fōr­mōsitātis f. shape­li­ness, beauty.

forte (abla­tive of fors) adv. by chance.

for­tis, forte adj. brave, courageous.

for­titer adv. brave­ly, courageously.

for­titūdō, for­titū­di­nis f. brav­ery, courage.

fortū­na, ‑ae f. for­tune; lot, fate.

forum, ‑ī, n. a mar­ket place; a pub­lic place; Forum Rōmānum, the Forum of Rome, between the Capi­to­line and Palatine.

fos­sa, ‑ae f. trench.

fragor, fragōris m. crash, roar, thun­der peal.

frangō, fran­gere, frēgī, frāc­tus v. break, crush.

frāter, frātris m. brother.

fraus, fraud­is f. deceit, treach­ery, trick.

fremi­tus, ‑ūs m. cries, roaring.

frēnum, ‑ī n. bridle.

frī­gus, frī­goris n. cold.

frōns, frondis f. green boughs, foliage.

frōns, fron­tis f. brow, forehead.

frūc­tus, ‑ūs m. fruit, increase.

firū­men­tum, ī n. grain; pl. crops.

Fufētius, Fufētī m. gen­tile name of Met­tius Fufetius, leader of the Alban army.

fuga, ‑ae f. flight.

fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitūrus v. flee, run away.

fugō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. put to flight, chase away.

ful­geō, ful­gēre, ful­sī, — v. flash, glit­ter, be brilliant.

ful­men, ful­min­is n. thun­der­bolt, lightning.

ful­vus, ‑a, ‑um adj. yel­low, tawny.

fūmus, ‑ī m. smoke.

fundā­men­tum, ‑ī n. foundation.

fundō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. estab­lish, fix.

fundō, fun­dere, fūdī, fūsus v. put to rout.

furor, furōris m. mad­ness, rage, frenzy.