A Latin Reader
faber, fabrī m. smith, carpenter, worker.
Fabius, Fabi m. a Roman gentile name. Quintus Fabius Maximus, a famous Roman general.
Fabrīcius, Fabrīcī m. a Roman family name. Gaius Fabricius, a Roman famous for incorruptibility.
fabricō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. construct, make, build, fashion, form.
fābula, ‑ae f. narrative, story, fable.
fābulātor, fābulātōris m. writer of fables.
facētē adv. wittily, facetiously.
faciēs, ‑ēī f. form, appearance;
the face.
facile adv. easily, readily.
facinus, facinoris n. deed; later, evil deed.
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus, do v. make, accomplish.
factum, ‑ī (faciō, do) n. deed; undertaking.
falsus, ‑a, ‑um adj. groundless, baseless, incorrect.
falx, falcis f. hook, sickle, scythe.
famēs, famis f. hunger, starvation.
familiāris, familiāre (familia, household) v. of a household, private.
famula, ‑ae f. female servant, handmaid.
fascis, fascis m. bundle.
fatīgō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. weary, tire.
fātum, ‑ī n. fate, destiny.
faucēs, faucium f. the throat, jaws.
Faustulus, ‑ī m. the shepherd who adopted Romulus and Remus.
fēlīcitās, fēlīcitātis f. good fortune, success.
fēlis, fēlis f. cat.
fēlix, fēlīcis adj. fortunate, happy.
fēmina, ‑ae f. woman.
fēmineus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of woman.
fera, ‑ae f. wild beast, animal.
ferē adv. almost, about, nearly.
ferīna, ‑ae f. flesh of wild animals.
ferīnus, ‑a, ‑um adj. belonging to wild beasts, wild.
fermē adv. almost, nearly; about.
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus v. bear, carry; passive, be said.
ferōx, ferōcis adj. fierce, warlike.
ferrum, ‑ī n. iron; a sword, weapon.
fervō, fervere, —, — v. glow, burn, be hot.
fervor, fervōris m. heat.
fessus, ‑a, ‑um adj. tired, wearied.
fidēlis, fidēle adj. faithful, loyal.
Fīdēnae, ‑ārum f. city of the Fidenates.
Fīdēnātēs, Fīdēnātium m. people of Fidenae.
fidēs, fidei f. good faith; promise, pledge, assurance; in fidem recipere, receive under protection.
fidūcia, ‑ae f. confidence, trust.
figūra, ‑ae f. form, shape, figure.
fīlia, ‑ae f. daughter.
fīlius, fīlī m. son.
fingō, fingere, fīnxī, fīctus v. form, fashion, make.
fīniō, fīnīre, fīnīvī, fīnītus v. bring to an end, finish, complete.
fīnis, fīnis m. end.
fīō, fierī, factus (used as the passive of faciō) v. be made, be done; become; come about, result, happen.
fīrmus, ‑a, ‑um adj. strong, firm, solid, steady.
flāgrō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. burn, blaze, glow.
flāmen, flāminis n. blast, wind.
flamma, ‑ae f. fire, flame.
flavēscō, flavēscere, —, — (inceptive of flaveō, be yellow) v. begin to be yellow, become yellow.
fleō, flēre, flēvī, flētus v. weep.
flōreō, flōrēre, flōrul, — v. blossom, bloom; be brilliant.
flōs, flōris m. blossom, flower.
fluctus, fluctūs m. wave, billow.
flūmen, flūminis n. stream, river.
fluō, fluere, fluxī, fluxus v. flow, run, drip.
foculus, ‑ī (dim. of focus, hearth) m. little hearth, pan for coals, portable stove.
foedē adv. disgracefully.
foedus, foederis n. treaty, covenant.
foedus, ‑a, ‑um adj. foul; dreadful.
folium, folī n. leaf (of a tree).
fōns, fontis m. fountain, source spring.
forent old form for essent.
foris, foris f. door, gate, entrance.
fōrma, ‑ae f. form, shape, beauty
formīdō, formīdinis f. fear.
fōrmōsitās, fōrmōsitātis f. shapeliness, beauty.
forte (ablative of fors) adv. by chance.
fortis, forte adj. brave, courageous.
fortiter adv. bravely, courageously.
fortitūdō, fortitūdinis f. bravery, courage.
fortūna, ‑ae f. fortune; lot, fate.
forum, ‑ī, n. a market place; a public place; Forum Rōmānum, the Forum of Rome, between the Capitoline and Palatine.
fossa, ‑ae f. trench.
fragor, fragōris m. crash, roar, thunder peal.
frangō, frangere, frēgī, frāctus v. break, crush.
frāter, frātris m. brother.
fraus, fraudis f. deceit, treachery, trick.
fremitus, ‑ūs m. cries, roaring.
frēnum, ‑ī n. bridle.
frīgus, frīgoris n. cold.
frōns, frondis f. green boughs, foliage.
frōns, frontis f. brow, forehead.
frūctus, ‑ūs m. fruit, increase.
firūmentum, ī n. grain; pl. crops.
Fufētius, Fufētī m. gentile name of Mettius Fufetius, leader of the Alban army.
fuga, ‑ae f. flight.
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitūrus v. flee, run away.
fugō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. put to flight, chase away.
fulgeō, fulgēre, fulsī, — v. flash, glitter, be brilliant.
fulmen, fulminis n. thunderbolt, lightning.
fulvus, ‑a, ‑um adj. yellow, tawny.
fūmus, ‑ī m. smoke.
fundāmentum, ‑ī n. foundation.
fundō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. establish, fix.
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus v. put to rout.
furor, furōris m. madness, rage, frenzy.