A Latin Reader


bac­u­lum, ‑ī n. staff, stick.

bac­u­lus, ‑ī m. poet­ic for bac­u­lum.

bar­ba, ‑ae f. beard.

beā­tus, ‑a, ‑um adj. blessed, fortunate.

bel­lum, ‑ī n. war, warfare.

bēlua, ‑ae f. beast.

bene (comp. melius, superl. op timē) adv. well, successfully.

ben­efi­ci­um, beneficī (bene and faciō, do) n. good deed, kind act.

benev­o­len­tia, ‑ae f. good will favor.

benignē (benignus, kind), adv. kindly.

bēs­tia, ‑ae f. beast.

bīnī, ‑ae, ‑a adj. two at a time.

bis adv. twice, two times.

blandē adv. fawn­ing­ly, caressingly.

bland­ī­men­tum, ‑ī n. caress.

blandus, ‑a, ‑um adj. kind, pleasant.

bon­um, ‑ī n. good, good­ness; good thing; goods, property.

bonus, ‑a, ‑um adj. good.

Boōtēs, ‑ae m. a constellation.

bōs, bovis, m. and f. ox, cow.

bre­vis, breve adj. short, brief.

brūmālis, brūmāle adj. win­try, of winter.

Būcephalon, ‑ī n. Bucephalun, name of a town.

Būcephalus, ‑ī m. Bucephalus, name of Alexander’s horse.