A Latin Reader
ā, ab prep. with abl. from, away from; at, on; by.
ab, see ā.
abdō, abdere, abdidī, abditus (dō, put) v. put away, hide, conceal.
abdūcō, abdūcere, abdūxī, abductus (dūcō, lead) v. lead away, take with one.
abeō, abīre, abiī, abitūrus (eō, go) go away, depart.
abiciō, abicere, abiēcī, abiectus (iaciō, throw) throw away, hurl.
abolēscō, abolēscere, abolēvī, — v. die out, disappear.
abscindō, abscindere, abscidī, abscissus v. divide, separate, part .
absque prep. with abl. without.
abstineō, abstinēre, abstinuī, abstentus (abs (equals ab) and teneō, hold) v. refrain from.
absum, abesse, āfuī, āfutūrus (sum, be) v. be away, be distant.
ac conj. and.
accēdō, accēdere, accessī, accessūrus (ad and cēdō, go) v. approach, come to.
accendō, accendere, accendī, accēnsus (ad and candō, cause to shine) v. set on fire, kindle, arouse; accēnsus, burning.
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus (ad and capiō, take) v. receive; accept.
accūrātē adv. carefully.
accurrō, accurrere, accurrī or accucurrī, accursūrus (ad and currō, run) v. run to, run up.
ācer, ācris, ācre adj. keen, sharp; vigorous, energetic.
acerbē adv. keenly, sharply.
acerbus, ‑a, ‑um adj. bitter, sour; harsh, disagreeable.
aciēs, ‑ēī f. line of battle, battle line.
ācriter adv. sharply, vigorously.
āctiō, āctiōnis f. act, action.
āctus, ‑ūs m. deed, act.
ad prep. with acc. to, toward, against; near; for.
addō, addere, addidī, additus (dō, put) v. put to, add.
addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductus (dūcō, lead) v. lead to, induce, influence.
adeō, adīre, adiī, aditūrus (eō, go) v. go to, address.
adeō adv. so, to such an extent.
adferō, adferre, attulī, adlātus (ferō, bring) v. bring to, apply, put to.
adficiō, adficere, adfēcī, adfectus (faciō, make) v. visit with, afflict.
adfīnēs, adfīnium m. neighbors, friends; relatives by marriage.
adflīgō, adflīgere, adflīxī, adflīctus v. harass, distress.
adfor, adfārī, adfātus (for, speak), speak to, address.
adgredior, adgredī, adgressus (gradior, step) v. proceed against; attack; begin.
adhibeō, adhibēre, adhibuī, adhibitus (habeō, have) v. hold to, employ, use.
aditus, ‑ūs m. going to; approach, entrance.
adiungō, adiungere, adiūnxī, adiūnctus (iungō, join) v. join, fasten, attach.
adloquor, adloquī, adlocūtus (loquor, speak), speak to, accost, address.
admīrābilis, admīrābile adj. strange, marvelous.
admīrātiō, admīrātiōnis f. admiration, esteem.
admīror, ‑ārī, ‑ātus (mīror, wonder) v. wonder at, admire, esteem.
admoneō, admonēre, admonuī, admonitus (moneō, warn) v. remind, warn, admonish.
admoveō, admovēre, admōvī, admōtus (moveō, move) v. move to, bring to.
adscendō, adscendere, adscendī, adscēnsus (scandō, climb) v. climb up, climb.
adsideō, adsidēre, adsēdī, adsessus (sedeō, sit) v. sit near, sit down.
adspiciō, adspicere, adspēxī, adspectus (speciō, look) v. look at, behold.
adstō, adstāre, adstitī, — (stō, stand) v. stand near, stand by; aid, assist.
adsum, adesse, adfuī, adfutūrus be present, be on hand.
adsurgō, adsurgere, adsurrēxī adsurrēctūrus (surgō, rise) v. rise, rise to greet.
adulātor, ‑ōris (adulor, flatter and -tor) m. flatterer.
adulēscēns, adulēscentis adj young; as subst. a young man.
adulor, ‑āri, ‑ātus v. fawn upon, caress.
adveniō, advenīre, advēnī, adventūrus (veniō, come) v. come or advance.
adversum (or adversus) prep with acc. against.
adversus, ‑a, ‑um adj. turned against unfavorable, in front; as subst. opponent, enemy, adversary; rēs adversae, adversity.
advertō, advertere, advertī, adversus (vertō, turn) v. give attention, notice.
Aenēās, ‑ae m. a hero of the Trojan War.
aēneus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of bronze.
Aeolius, ‑a, ‑um adj. of Aeolus, god of the winds.
aequālis, aequāle adj. equal, of the same size.
aequē adv. equally.
aequinoctiālis, aequinoctiāle (aequus, equal, and nox, night), of equal night and day; equinoctial; circulus aequinoctiālis, the equator.
aequor, aequoris n. level space; sea, water.
aequum, ‑ī n. what is right, uprightness.
āēr, āeris m. air, atmosphere.
aes, aeris n. bronze; money, bronze coins.
Aesōpus, ‑ī m. Aesop, a famous writer of fables.
aestus, ‑ūs m. heat, summer.
aetās, aetātis f. age; old age.
aeternus, ‑a, ‑um adj. everlasting, eternal.
aether, aetheris m. air; sky.
Africa, ‑ae f. Africa.
Agēnor, Agēnoris m. a Phoenician king.
ager, agrī m. land, territory; field, country.
agitātor, agitātōris m. a driver.
agnus, ‑ī m. a lamb.
agō, agere, ēgī, āctus v. drive; do, act; arrange; grātiās agere, thank.
agricola, ‑ae (ager and colō, cultivate) m. a farmer.
ait (defective) v. he says.
āla, ‑ae f. a wing (of a bird).
Alba Longa, Albae Longae f. Alba Longa (the Long White City), city on the Alban Mount.
Albānī, ‑ōrum m. the Albans, the people of Alba Longa.
Albānus, ‑a, ‑um adj. Alban, of Alba.
albus, ‑a, ‑um adj. white.
alea, ‑ae f. risk, hazard.
Alexander, Alexandrī m. king of Macedonia.
aliās adv. at another time, at other times.
alicunde (aliquis, some, and unde, whence), from some source or other.
aliēnus, ‑a, ‑um (alius, other), another’s, belonging to another.
alimentum, ‑ī n. nourishment.
aliquamdiū adv. for some time.
aliquandō adv. once, at one time.
aliquantus, ‑a, ‑um adj. considerable; aliquantum viae, a considerable portion of the journey.
aliquī, aliqua, aliquod pron. some.
aliquot adj. several.
alius, ‑a, ‑ud adj. another, other, different, else.
alligō, ‑āre, ‑āvi, ‑ātus (ad and ligō, bind) v. bind, fasten.
altāria, altārium n. altar.
alter, altera, alterum adj. the other, another; the second.
altus, ‑a, ‑um (participle of alō, nourish), grown; high, tall, lofty; deep.
amāns, amantis adj. loving, fond, devoted to.
ambō, ‑ae, ‑ō adj. both, each of the two.
ambulō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. walk.
amīcus, ‑a, ‑um adj. friendly.
amīcus, ‑ī m. friend.
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus (mittō, send) v. let go, lose.
amnis, amnis m. river.
amō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. love.
amor, amōris m. love; desire.
āmoveō, āmovēre, āmōvī, āmōtus (moveō, move) v. remove,take away.
Amūlius, Amūlī m. a son of Silvius Procas.
an conj. (used in questions) or.
anceps, ancipitis adj. uncertain, doubtful.
ancilla, ‑ae f. housemaid, maid.
Androclus, ‑ī m. the man who cared for a lion.
anima, ‑ae f. breath, life.
animadvertō, animadvertere, animadvertī, animadversus (animum advertō, tum the mind to), attend to; notice.
animal, animālis n. an animal.
animus, ‑ī m. the mind, heart; courage; est mihi in animō pugnāre, I intend to fight.
Aniō, Aniēnis m. the Anio, a tributary of the Tiber.
annectō, annectere, annexuī, annexus (ad and nectō, tie) v. tie to, fasten to.
annus, ‑ī m. year.
annuus, ‑a, ‑um adj. for a year, annual.
antarcticus, ‑a, ‑um adj. southern, antarctic.
ante prep. with acc. before.
antecēdō, antecēdere, antecessī, antecessus (cēdō, go) v. go before, precede.
Antiochus, ‑ī m. king of Syria.
antrum, ‑ī n. cave, cavern.
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus, open, disclose, expose.
apertē adv. openly.
apis, apis f. bee.
appāreō, appārēre, appāruī, appāritūrus (ad and pāreō, appear) v. be plain, become manifest, appear clear.
appellō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. call, name.
appetō, appetere, appetīvī or appetiī, appetītus (ad and petō, seek) v. seek for; approach, be at hand.
appōnō, appōnere, apposuī, appositus (ad and pōnō, put) v. place near, set before; set aside for.
apprehendō, apprehendere, apprehendī, apprehēnsus (ad and prehendō, grasp) v. seize, arrest.
approbō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. approve, sanction.
appropīnquō, ‑āre, ‑āvī,-ātus (ad and propīnquō, draw near) v. draw near, approach.
apud prep, with acc. near, among; at the home of; in the writings of.
aqua, ‑ae f. water.
aquārius, aquārī m. a water carrier; the Water Carrier (a constellation).
Aquilō, Aquilōnis m. the north wind.
arbitrium, arbitrī n. authority, power, will.
arbor, arboris f. tree.
arceō, arcēre, arcuī, arctus v. ward off, keep away.
arcessō, arcessere, arcessīvī, arcessītus v. call, summon, send for.
arcticus, ‑a, ‑um adj. northern, arctic.
Arctūrus, ‑ī m. a constellation.
arcus, ‑ūs m. bow; rainbow; circle, arch.
ārdor, ārdōris m. heat.
arēna, ‑ae f. sand; sandy place, desert; arena.
arēnōsus, ‑a, ‑um adj. sandy.
argenteus, ‑a, ‑um adj. of silver, silver.
arguō, arguere, arguī, argūtus v. disclose, betray.
ariēs, ariētis m. a ram; the Ram (a constellation).
arma, ‑ōrum n. arms, weapons.
armō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. equip, arm; armātus, armed, with weapons in one’s hands.
arō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus v. plow.
arrogō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (ad and rogō, ask) v. ask for, claim.
arx, arcis f. stronghold, citadel.
Ascānius, Ascānī m. son of Aeneas.
asinus, ‑ī m. donkey, ass.
asper, aspera, asperum adj. rough.
asportō, ‑āre, ‑āvī, ‑ātus (abs and portō, carry) v. carry away.
assequor, assequī, assecūtus (ad and sequor, follow) v. reach, obtain, get.
astrum, ‑ī n. star; ad astra, to fame.
at conj. but, yet.
āter, ātra, ātrum adj.black, dark.
Athēnae, ‑ārum f. Athens, the city of Athens.
āthlēta, ‑ae m. athlete.
atque conj. and, and besides, and particularly.
atrōx, atrōcis adj. fierce, savage.
attingō, attingere, attigī, attāctus (ad and tangō, touch) v. reach, get.
attrītus, ‑a, ‑um adj. worn.
auctor, auctōris m. creator.
audācia, ‑ae f. boldness, courage.
audāx, audācis adj. bold, daring, brave.
audeō, audēre, ausus sum v. venture, dare.
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus, hear, listen to.
auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātus (ferō, carry) v. carry away, remove.
aulaeum, ‑ī n. curtain.
aureus, ‑a, ‑um adj. golden, of gold.
auris, auris f. the ear.
aurum, ‑ī n. gold.
aut conj. or; aut… aut, either… or.
autem conj. but, moreover; now.
autumnus, ‑ī m. autumn.
auxiliāris, auxiliāre v. helping, assisting.
auxilium, auxilī n. aid, assistance.
avāritia, ‑ae f. avarice, greed for wealth, miserliness.
avārus, ‑a, ‑um adj. avaricious, greedy.
āvertō, āvertere, āvertī, āversus (vertō, turn) v. turn aside.
avicula, ‑ae f. little bird.
avis, avis f. bird.
avus, ‑ī m. grandfather.