A Latin Reader

32. Valuable Assistance

Quīn­tus Max­imus Tar­en­tum mag­nā vig­i­lan­tiā recēpit. Salīnā­tor, quī, āmis­sō oppidō, fūger­at in arcem, glōriābā­tur et ita dīcē­bat: “Meā operā, Quinte Fabī, Tar­en­tum recēpistī.” “Certē,” respon­dit Max­imus rīdēns; “nam tū āmī­sistī, ego recēpī.”

Quīn­tus Fabius Max­imus: the famous Roman gen­er­al who made head­way against Han­ni­bal when all oth­ers had failed.

Salīnā­tor: the Roman gen­er­al in com­mand at Tar­en­tum when the city was taken.

Abla­tive Absolute.

The posi­tion of meā gives it spe­cial emphasis.

Fabī: the voca­tive form of prop­er nouns in -ius ends in , not in -ie.