A Latin Reader
32. Valuable Assistance
Quīntus Maximus Tarentum magnā vigilantiā recēpit. Salīnātor, quī, āmissō oppidō, fūgerat in arcem, glōriābātur et ita dīcēbat: “Meā operā, Quinte Fabī, Tarentum recēpistī.” “Certē,” respondit Maximus rīdēns; “nam tū āmīsistī, ego recēpī.”
Quīntus Fabius Maximus: the famous Roman general who made headway against Hannibal when all others had failed.
Salīnātor: the Roman general in command at Tarentum when the city was taken.
Ablative Absolute.
The position of meā gives it special emphasis.
Fabī: the vocative form of proper nouns in -ius ends in -ī, not in -ie.