A Latin Reader
27. Common Abbreviations and Their Meanings
A.B. (Artium Baccalaureus), Bachelor of Arts.
A.C. (ante Christum), before Christ.
A.D. (annō Dominī), in the year of our Lord, a.m. (ante merīdiem), before noon.
A.M. (Artium Magister), Master of Arts.
A.U.C. (annō urbis conditae), in the year after the founding of the city (Rome).
cf. (cōnfer), compare.
Cr. (crēditor), creditor.
D.D. (Dīvīnitātis Doctor), Doctor or Divinity.
Dr. (dēbitor), debtor.
Dr. (doctor), doctor, one who is trained, one who teaches.
D.V. (Deō volente), God willing, if God wills.
e.g. (exemplī grātiā), for the sake of example, for example.
etc. (et cētera), and the rest.
et seq. (et sequēns — plural is usually abbreviated et sqq.), and what follows, and the following.
ib. or ibid. (ibidem), in the same place.
i.e. (id est), that is.
inst. (Instante mēnse), the present month.
Jr. (Iūnior), Younger, the Younger.
lat. (lātitūdō), latitude.
lb. (lībra), pound.
LL.D (Lēgum Doctor), Doctor of Laws.
long. (longitūdō), longitude.
M. (merīdiēs), noon.
M.D. (Medicīnae Doctor), Doctor of Medicine.
n.b. (notā bene), note well, take notice.
per cent. (per centum), by the hundred.
Ph.D. (Philosophiae Doctor), Doctor of Philosophy.
p.m. (post meridiem), after noon.
pro et con. (prō et contrā), for and against.
Prof. (Professor), one who teaches, Professor.
pro tem. (prō tempore), for a time, temporarily.
prox. (proximō mēnse), next month.
P.S. (post scrīptum), written after, postscript.
Q.E.D. (quod erat dēmōnstrandum), which was to be proved.
q.l. (quantum libet), as much as is desired.
q.s. (quantum sufficit), as much as is needed (in prescriptions).
Rev. (Reverendus), to be revered, reverend.
R.I.P. (Requiēscat in pāce), May he (or she) rest in peace.
sc. (scīlicet), to be understood.
S.P.Q.R. (Senātus Populusque Rōmānus), the Roman Senate and People.
Sr. (Senior), Older, the Older.
ult. (ultimō mēnse), last month.
viz. (vidēlicet), namely.
vs. (versus), against.