A Latin Reader

27. Common Abbreviations and Their Meanings

A.B. (Artium Bac­calau­reus), Bach­e­lor of Arts.

A.C. (ante Chris­tum), before Christ.

A.D. (annō Dom­inī), in the year of our Lord, a.m. (ante merīdiem), before noon.

A.M. (Artium Mag­is­ter), Mas­ter of Arts.

A.U.C. (annō urbis con­di­tae), in the year after the found­ing of the city (Rome).

cf. (cōn­fer), compare.

Cr. (crēdi­tor), creditor.

D.D. (Dīvīnitātis Doc­tor), Doc­tor or Divinity.

Dr. (dēbitor), debtor.

Dr. (doc­tor), doc­tor, one who is trained, one who teaches.

D.V. (Deō volente), God will­ing, if God wills.

e.g. (exem­plī grātiā), for the sake of exam­ple, for example.

etc. (et cētera), and the rest.

et seq. (et sequēns — plur­al is usu­al­ly abbre­vi­at­ed et sqq.), and what fol­lows, and the following.

ib. or ibid. (ibi­dem), in the same place.

i.e. (id est), that is.

inst. (Instante mēnse), the present month.

Jr. (Iūnior), Younger, the Younger.

lat. (lātitūdō), latitude.

lb. (lībra), pound.

LL.D (Lēgum Doc­tor), Doc­tor of Laws.

long. (lon­gitūdō), longitude.

M. (merīdiēs), noon.

M.D. (Medicī­nae Doc­tor), Doc­tor of Medicine.

n.b. (notā bene), note well, take notice.

per cent. (per cen­tum), by the hundred.

Ph.D. (Philosophi­ae Doc­tor), Doc­tor of Philosophy.

p.m. (post meri­diem), after noon.

pro et con. (prō et con­trā), for and against.

Prof. (Pro­fes­sor), one who teach­es, Professor.

pro tem. (prō tem­pore), for a time, temporarily.

prox. (prox­imō mēnse), next month.

P.S. (post scrīp­tum), writ­ten after, postscript.

Q.E.D. (quod erat dēmōn­stran­dum), which was to be proved.

q.l. (quan­tum libet), as much as is desired.

q.s. (quan­tum suf­ficit), as much as is need­ed (in prescriptions).

Rev. (Rev­eren­dus), to be revered, reverend.

R.I.P. (Requiēs­cat in pāce), May he (or she) rest in peace.

sc. (scīlicet), to be understood.

S.P.Q.R. (Senā­tus Pop­u­lusque Rōmānus), the Roman Sen­ate and People.

Sr. (Senior), Old­er, the Older.

ult. (ultimō mēnse), last month.

viz. (vidēlicet), namely.

vs. (ver­sus), against.