A Latin Reader

22. Killed the Alarm Clock

Muli­er quaedam solē­bat ancil­lās suās excitāre ad opus gal­lī can­tū audītō. Illae, diū­turnō labōre fatīgā­tae, gal­lum inter­fi­cere statuērunt. Ouō fac­tō, in dēter­iōrem condi­ciōnem quam prius incidērunt, nam dom­i­na, dē hōrā noc­tis incer­ta, nunc famulās saepe iam prīmā nocte excitābat.

gal­li can­tū audītō: Abla­tive Absolute: when the crow­ing of the cock was heard.

Abla­tive of Cause.

in dēter­iōrem condi­cionem: they fell into worse plight.

pri­ma nocte: in the evening; lit­er­al­ly, at the first of the night.