A Latin Reader
22. Killed the Alarm Clock
Mulier quaedam solēbat ancillās suās excitāre ad opus gallī cantū audītō. Illae, diūturnō labōre fatīgātae, gallum interficere statuērunt. Ouō factō, in dēteriōrem condiciōnem quam prius incidērunt, nam domina, dē hōrā noctis incerta, nunc famulās saepe iam prīmā nocte excitābat.
galli cantū audītō: Ablative Absolute: when the crowing of the cock was heard.
Ablative of Cause.
in dēteriōrem condicionem: they fell into worse plight.
prima nocte: in the evening; literally, at the first of the night.