A Latin Reader
10. Cheating the Doctor
In faucibus lupī os inhaeserat. Gruem, quae forte praeterībat, lupus ita adlocūtus est: “Sī os ē faucibus meīs extrahēs, tibi magnam mercēdem dabō.” Os grūs longitūdine collī facile extrāxit. Tum mercēdem rogābat. Sed lupus subrīdēbat et dentibus Infrendēbat. “Num tibi,” inquit, “parva mercēs vidētur, quod caput incolume ē lupī faucibus extrāxistī?”
in faucibus: in the throat.
From inhaereo, stick.
Ablative of Cause.
A negative reply is expected. “Jt doesn’t seem a small reward, does it, that you” etc.