A Latin Reader

9. The Trumpet a Mighty Weapon

Tibi­cen, ab hostibus cap­tus, exclāmāvit: “Nōn sum inter­fi­cien­dus, nam iner­mis sum; nihil habeō praeter hanc tubam.” Sed hostēs respon­derunt: “Propter hoc ipsuminter­imē­mus, quod aliōs ad pug­nam incitāre solēs.” Nōn sōlum maleficī pūniendī sunt, sed eti­am eī quī aliōs ad male facien­dum incitant.

Per­fect par­tici­ple of capiō, cap­ture.

nōn sum inter­fi­cien­dus: 1 ought not to be killed. Pas­sive periphrastic conjugation.

hoc ipsum: that very thing.

Future of inter­imō, kill.

Noun, evil doers.

pūniendī sunt: ought to be pun­ished. Pas­sive periphrastic conjugation.

ad male facien­dum: to doing mis­chief, facien­dum is the gerund of faciō.