A Latin Reader
34. Not Brave Enough to Meet Old Age
Milō iuvenis per stadium Olympiae sustinuisse humerīs bovem dīcitur. Sed vōx Milōnis senis contempta est, nam in senectūte āthlētās in curriculō vidēbat, inlacrimābat, exclāmābat: “At hī lacertī quidem mortuī sunt!” Nōn vērō tam istī quam tū ipse, nūgātor, neque enim ex tē umquam es nōbilitātus, sed ex lacertīs tuīs.
per stadium: over the course.
vōx: word, sentiment.
senis: when an old man. There is a contrast between iuvenis and senis. Milo’s spirit failed with his strength.
istī: supply mortuī sunt.