A Latin Reader
8. Safety Better than Sweets
Lupus capram in altā rūpe stantem cōnspicātus est, quam ita adlocūtus est: “Cūr nōn relinquis nūda illa et sterilia loca, et hūc dēscendis in herbidōs campōs, quī tibi laetum pābulum dabunt?” Cui capra ita respondit: “Mihi nōn est in animō dulcia tūtīs praepōnere.”
Present participle of stō, stand.
From adloquor, speak to, address.
mihi, etc.: “I do not intend to place sweets before safety.” Literally, it is not in mind to me to place, etc. The subject of est is praepōnere.
safety; literally, safe things. Dative of Indirect Object.