English Idioms — Английски идиоми

Beat around the bush

To avoid talk­ing about what’s impor­tant or giv­ing a clear and def­i­nite answer.

Избягвам да говоря за нещо важно.

The big hand­some man led the way into a small cub­by-hole of a room. He motioned to a chair and sat on the edge of one desk.

“Kid, I nev­er was one to beat around the bush. Some­body called in lit­tle while ago, gave me some crazy sto­ry about you not want­i­ng the Transformation.”

The Beau­ti­ful Peo­ple Charles Beau­mont

The judge made a ges­ture of irri­ta­tion. “Come, now, you old scoundrel, don’t beat around the bush any more. What are you up to? What do you want? Speak out like a man, and don’t give me any more of this tire­some rigamarole.”

The Mon­ster and Oth­er Sto­ries Stephen Crane

Miss Eagen did not beat around the bush. “I’ve been with Cap­tain McHen­ry for three years. I hope to work with him always. I think he’s the finest in the Service.”

Jay­walk­er Ross Rock­lynne

“It was all I could do,” he said, “and lit­tle enough.… It would ill become a sailor to beat around the bush,” he went on. “I come to you for help, my dear lady.

The Vel­vet Hand. New Madame Storey Mys­ter­ies Hul­bert Footner