English Idioms — Английски идиоми

Get one’s act together

To become more orga­nized and do things effectively.

Организиран съм и върша нещата ефективно.

“You’re real­ly under the pump. Bri­an is get­ting sick of the excus­es, the promis­es and your drink­ing. You real­ly need to get your act togeth­er and give him some­thing, and give him some­thing good and what is more soon.”

‘The Night-shift End­ing: a nov­el’ accom­pa­nied by an exe­ge­sis W. Ger­rit Bos

Maybe instead of con­tin­u­ing our friend­ship I should just go off some­where, get my act togeth­er, and lead by example.

12 Rules for Life: An Anti­dote to Chaos Jor­dan P. Peterson