English Idioms — Английски идиоми

To be in (fill) another person’s shoes

In anoth­er person’s position

Влизам в положението на някого. Поставям се на мястото на друг

“It was all very bad, no doubt,” said he. “I should like to know how many fel­lows in my shoes would have refused a share of this loot when they knew that they would have their throats cut for their pains.”

The Sign of the Four Arthur Conan Doyle

“I shouldn’t like to be in your shoes,” she said, agree­ably; “moth­er has gone for a policeman.”

Estab­lish­ing Rela­tions, Odd Craft, Part 7 W.W. Jacobs

“I’d like to be in his shoes,” Sandy final­ly broke forth, “and I’m sor­ry now that I didn’t go along.”

Dick Kent in the Far North Mil­ton Richards

“What man in my shoes wouldn’t be hap­py?” said Wehling. He ges­tured with his hands to sym­bol­ize care-free simplicity.

2 B R 0 2 B Kurt Vonnegut