English Idioms — Английски идиоми

Up in arms

Being grumpy or angry about something.

Сърдит съм или ядосан за нещо.

At this, her latent loathing, con­tempt and indig­na­tion rose up in arms. Nev­er had she heard tell of a woman of her rank being used in this fashion.

Love-at-Arms Rafael Sabatini

“It was only when he declared his pur­pose to get mar­ried that I ful­ly under­stood how, for a hun­dred futile and inap­pre­cia­ble rea­sons, how—shall I say odious?—he was to all the coun­try­side. Every old woman in the vil­lage was up in arms.”

Amy Fos­ter Joseph Conrad

‘Man is a per­verse ani­mal, Eli­nor; that which he regards as point­ed for his destruc­tion, fre­quent­ly proves harm­less. We are all—boys and lib­ertines alone excepted—upon our guard against beau­ty; for, as every sense is up in arms to sec­ond its assault, our pride takes the alarm, and ris­es to oppose it. Our real dan­ger is where we see no risk.’

The Wan­der­er (Vol­ume 1 of 5) or, Female Dif­fi­cul­ties Fan­ny Burney

On the con­trary, his bet­ter nature rose up in arms against his fall­en self, as I saw clear­ly enough lat­er on.

She H. Rid­er Haggard