Three Men in a Boat — BG
The chief beauty of this book lies not, so much in its literary style, or in the extent and usefulness of the information it conveys, as in its simple truthfulness. Its pages form the record of events that really happened. All that has been done is to colour them; and, for this, no extra charge has been made. George and Harris and Montmorency are not Poetic ideals, but things of flesh and blood — especially George, who weighs about twelve stone. Other works may excel this in depth of thought and knowledge of human nature: other books may rival it in originality and size; but, for hopeless and incurable veracity, nothing yet discovered can surpass it. This, more than all its other charms, will, it is felt, make the volume precious in the eye of the earnest reader; and will lend additional weight to the lesson that the story teaches. LONDON, August, 1889
chief [tʃi:f] adj главен, основен, най-важен.
lie [lai] v се състои.
extent [iksˈtent] n степен, размер; обхват, обсег.
convey [kənˈvei] v предавам, съобщавам; изразявам, излагам, казвам.
truthfulness [ˈtru:θfulnis] n правдивост; честност, искреност, откритост.
form [fɔ:m] v съставлявам, представлявам.
all that has been done is ⇒ само беше.
colour [ˈkʌlə] v прен. украсявам.
charge [ˈtʃa:dʒ] n поръчение, задължение.
flesh and blood ⇒ жив; от плът и кръв; flesh [fleʃ] n плът.
stone [stoun] n мярка за тегло (= 14 lb = 6,35 кг).
excel [ikˈsel] v превъзхождам, превишавам, надвишавам (in, at).
rival [rivl] v съпернича с; конкурирам.
incurable [inˈkjuərəbl] adj непоправим, закоравял, закостенял, заклет, неизкореним.
veracity [veˈræsiti] n истинност, правдивост.
surpass [sə:ˈpa:s] v надминавам, надхвърлям; превъзхождам.
it is felt ⇒ усеща се, струва ми се.
precious [ˈpreʃəs] adj скъп, ценен.
earnest [ˈə:nist] adj ревностен.
land [lænd] v разг. спечелвам, придобивам; тук придавам.
weight [weit] n значение, важност; тежест.