Three Men in a Boat — BG
Plans discussed – Pleasures of “camping-out,” on fine nights – Ditto, wet nights – Compromise decided on – Montmorency, first impressions of – Fears lest he is too good for this world, fears subsequently dismissed as groundless – Meeting rns.
We pulled out the maps, and discussed plans.
We arranged to start on the following Saturday from Kingston. Harris and I would go down in the morning, and take the boat up to Chertsey, and George, who would not be able to get away from the City till the afternoon (George goes to sleep at a bank from ten to four each day, except Saturdays, when they wake him up and put him outside at two), would meet us there.
Should we “camp out” or sleep at inns?
George and I were for camping out. We said it would be so wild and free, so patriarchal like.
Slowly the golden memory of the dead sun fades from the hearts of the cold, sad clouds. Silent, like sorrowing children, the birds have ceased their song, and only the moorhen’s plaintive cry and the harsh croak of the corncrake stirs the awed hush around the couch of waters, where the dying day breathes out her last.
From the dim woods on either bank, Night’s ghostly army, the grey shadows, creep out with noiseless tread to chase away the lingering rear-guard of the light, and pass, with noiseless, unseen feet, above the waving river-grass, and through the sighing rushes; and Night, upon her sombre throne, folds her black wings above the darkening world, and, from her phantom palace, lit by the pale stars, reigns in stillness.
Then we run our little boat into some quiet nook, and the tent is pitched, and the frugal supper cooked and eaten. Then the big pipes are filled and lighted, and the pleasant chat goes round in musical undertone; while, in the pauses of our talk, the river, playing round the boat, prattles strange old tales and secrets, sings low the old child’s song that it has sung so many thousand years – will sing so many thousand years to come, before its voice grows harshand old – a song that we, who have learnt to love its changing face, who have so often nestled on its yielding bosom, think, somehow, we understand, though we could not tell you in mere words the story that we listen to.
And we sit there, by its margin, while the moon, who loves it too, stoops down to kiss it with a sister’s kiss, and throws her silver arms around it clingingly; and we watch it as it flows, ever singing, ever whispering, out to meet its king, the sea – till our voices die away in silence, and the pipes go out – till we, common-place, everyday young men enough, feel strangely full of thoughts, half sad, half sweet, and do not care or want to speak – till we laugh, and, rising, knock the ashes from our burnt-out pipes, and say “Good-night,” and, lulled by the lapping water and the rustling trees, we fall asleep beneath the great, still stars, and dream that the world is young again – young and sweet as she used to be ere the centuries of fret and care had furrowed her fair face, ere her children’s sins and follies had made old her loving heart – sweet as she was in those bygone days when, a new-made mother, she nursed us, her children, upon her own deep breast – erethe wiles of painted civilization had lured us away from her fond arms, and the poisoned sneers of artificiality had made us ashamed of the simple life we led with her, and the simple, stately home where mankind was born so many thousands years ago.
Harris said:
“How about when it rained?”
You can never rouse Harris. There is no poetry about Harris – no wild yearning for the unattainable. Harris never “weeps, he knows not why.” If Harris’s eyes fill with tears, you can bet it is because Harris has been eating raw onions, or has put too much Worcester over his chop.
If you were to stand at night by the sea-shore with Harris, and say:
“Hark! Do you not hear? Is it but the mermaids singing deep below the waving waters; or sad spirits, chanting dirges for white corpses, held by seaweed?” Harris would take you by the arm, and say:
“I know what it is, old man; you’ve got a chill. Now, you come along with me. I know a place round the corner here, where you can get a drop of the finest Scotch whisky you ever tasted – put you right in less than no time.”
Harris always does know a place round the corner where you can get something brilliant in the drinking line. I believe that if you met Harris up in Paradise (supposing such a thing likely), he would immediately greet you with:
“So glad you’ve come, old fellow; I’ve found a nice place round the corner here, where you can get some really first-class nectar.”
In the present instance, however, as regarded the camping out, his practical view of the matter came as a very timely hint. Camping out in rainy weather is not pleasant.
It is evening. You are wet through, and there is a good two inches of water in the boat, and all the things are damp. You find a place on the banks that is not quite so puddly as other places you have seen, and you land and lug out the tent, and two of you proceed to fix it.
It is soaked and heavy, and it flops about, and tumbles down on you, and clings round your head and makes you mad. The rain is pouring steadily down all the time. It is difficult enough to fix a tent in dry weather: in wet, the task becomes herculean. Instead of helping you, it seems to you that the other man is simply playing the fool. Just as you get your side beautifully fixed, he gives it a hoist from his end, and spoils it all.
“Here! What are you up to?” you call out.
“What are you up to?” he retorts; “Leggo, can’t you?”
“Don’t pull it; you’ve got it all wrong, you stupid ass!” you shout.
“No, I haven’t,” he yells back; “let go your side!”
“I tell you you’ve got it all wrong!” you roar, wishing that you could get at him; and you give your ropes a lug that pullsall his pegs out.
“Ah, the bally idiot!” you hear him mutter to himself; and then comes a savage haul, and away goes your side. You lay down the mallet and start to go round and tell him what you think about the whole business, and, at the same time, he starts round in the same direction to come and explain his views to you. And you follow each other round and round, swearing at one another, until the tent tumbles down in a heap, and leaves you looking at each other across its ruins, when you both indignantly exclaim, in the same breath:
“There you are! What did I tell you?”
Meanwhile the third man, who has been baling out the boat, and who has spilled the water down his sleeve, and has been cursing away to himself steadily for the last ten minutes, wants to know what the thundering blazes you’re playing at, and why the blarmed tent isn’t up yet.
At last, somehow or other, it does get up, and you land the things. It is hopeless attempting to make a wood fire, so you light the methylated spirit stove, and crowd round that.
Rainwater is the chief article of diet at supper. The bread is two-thirds rainwater, the beefsteak-pie is exceedingly rich in it, and the jam, and the butter, and the salt, and the coffee have all combined with it to make soup.
After supper, you find your tobacco is damp, and you cannot smoke. Luckily you have a bottle of the stuff that cheers and inebriates, if taken in proper quantity, and this restores to you sufficient interest in life to induce you to go to bed.
There you dream that an elephant has suddenly sat down on your chest, and that the volcano has exploded and thrown you down to the bottom of the sea – the elephant still sleeping peacefully on your bosom. You wake up and grasp the idea that something terrible really has happened. Your first impressionis that the end of the world has come; and then you think that this cannot be, and that it is thieves and murderers, or else fire, and this opinion you express in the usual method. No help comes, however, and all you know is that thousands of people are kicking you, and you are being smothered.
Somebody else seems in trouble, too. You can hear his faint cries coming from underneath your bed. Determining, at all events, to sell your life dearly, you struggle frantically, hitting out right and left with arms and legs, and yelling lustily the while, and at last something gives way, and you find your head in the fresh air. Two feet off, you dimly observe a half-dressed ruffian, waiting to kill you, and you are preparing for a life-and-death struggle with him, when it begins to dawn upon you that it’s Jim.
“Oh, it’s you, is it?” he says, recognising you at the same moment.
“Yes,” you answer, rubbing your eyes; “what’s happened?”
“Bally tent’s blown down, I think,” he says.
“Where’s Bill?”
Then you both raise up your voices and shout for “Bill!” and the ground beneath you heaves and rocks, and the muffled voice that you heard before replies from out the ruin:
“Get off my head, can’t you?”
And Bill struggles out, a muddy, trampled wreck, and in an unnecessarily aggressive mood – he being under the evident belief that the whole thing has been done on purpose.
In the morning you are all three speechless, owing to having caught severe colds in the night; you also feel very quarrelsome, and you swear at each other in hoarse whispers during the whole of breakfast time.
We therefore decided that we would sleep out on fine nights; and hotel it, and inn it, and pub it, like respectable folks, when it was wet, or when we felt inclined for a change.
Montmorency hailed this compromise with much approval. He does not revel in romantic solitude. Give him something noisy; and if a trifle low, so much the jollier. To look at Montmorency you would imagine that he was an angel sent upon the earth, for some reason withheld from mankind, in the shape of a small fox-terrier. There is a sort of Oh-what-a-wicked-world-this-is-and-how-I-wish-I-could-do-something-to-make-it-better-and-nobler expression about Montmorency that has been known to bring the tears into the eyes of pious old ladies and gentlemen.
When first he came to live at my expense, I never thought I should be able to get him to stop long. I used to sit down and look at him, as he sat on the rug and looked up at me, and think: “Oh, that dog will never live. He will be snatched up to the bright skies in a chariot, that is what will happen to him.”
But, when I had paid for about a dozen chickens that he had killed; and had dragged him, growling and kicking, by the scruff of his neck, out of a hundred and fourteen street fights; and had had a dead cat brought round for my inspection by an irate female, who called me a murderer; and had been summoned by the man next door but one for having a ferocious dog at large, that had kept him pinned up in his own tool-shed, afraid to venture his nose outside the door for over two hours on a cold night; and had learned that the gardener, unknown to myself, had won thirty shillings by backing him to kill rats against time, then I began to think that maybe they’d let him remain on earth for a bit longer, after all.
To hang about a stable, and collect a gang of the most disreputable dogs to be found in the town, and lead them out to march round the slums to fight other disreputable dogs, is Montmorency’s idea of “life;” and so, as I before observedº, he gave to the suggestion of inns, and pubs, and hotels his most emphatic approbation.
Having thus settled the sleeping arrangements to the satisfaction of all four of us, the only thing left to discuss was what we should take with us; and this we had begun to argue, when Harris said he’d had enough oratory for one night, and proposed that we should go out and have a smile, saying that he had found a place, round by the square, where you could really get a drop of Irish worth drinking.
George said he felt thirsty (I never knew George when he didn’t); and, as I had a presentiment that a little whisky, warm, with a slice of lemon, would do my complaint good, the debate was, by common assent, rnedº to the following night; and the assembly put on its hats and went out.
ditto [ˈditou] n горното, същото.
impression [imˈpreʃən] n впечатление.
lest [lest] cj за да не би да.
subsequently [ˈsʌbsikwəntli] adv впоследствие, сетне, след това, по-късно.
dismiss [disˈmis] v пропъждам, прогонвам, отмахвам (мисъл).
groundless [ˈgraudlis] adj неоснователен, неоправдан, безпочвен, безпричинен.
rn [əˈdʒə:n] v бивам закрит/отсрочен (за заседание).
to pull out ⇒ изтеглям, изваждам
map [mæp] n географска карта.
arrange [əˈreindʒ] v споразумявам се, уреждам.
Kingston (upon Thames) предградие на Лондон, Англия, около 19 км югозападно от Централен Лондон. Разположен е на южния бряг на река Темза и е част от графство Surrey.
the City търговският и финансов център на Лондон.
to wake up ⇒ cъбуждам.
to camp out ⇒ живея на палатка.
patriarchal [ˌpeitriˈa:kl] adj патриархален.
fade [feid] v избелвам; чезна, губя се.
sorrowing [ˈsɔrouiŋ] adj тъжен, скърбящ.
cease [si:s] v спирам, преставам.
moorhen [ˈmuəˌhen] n водна кокошка.
plaintive [ˈpleintiv] adj жален, жаловит, тъжен.
harsh [ha:ʃ] adj пронизващ (звук).
croak [ˈkrouk] n крякане; грачене.
corncrake [ˈkɔ:nˌkreik] n зоол. дърдавец.
awe [ɔ:] v внушавам страх (почит, благоговение)
hush [hʌʃ] n затишие, тишина.
couch [kautʃ] n поет. ложе, легло.
to breathe out o.’s last ⇒ умирам, издъхвам.
dim [dim] adj мрачен, неясен.
tread [tred] n стъпка, походка.
to chase away [tʃeis] v прогонвам, пропъждам (страхове).
linger [ˈlingə] v бавя се, влача се, точа се.
sigh [sai] v стéна, свистя (за вятър и др.).
rush [rʌʃ] n папур, тръстика.
sombre [ˈsɔmbə] adj тъмен, мрачен.
phantom [ˈfæntəm] adj призрачен.
reign [rein] v царя, господствам.
nook [nu:k] n кът, ъгъл.
tent [tent] n палатка, шатра.
pitch [pitʃ] v разпъвам (палатка).
frugal supper ⇒ скромна вечеря; frugal [fru:gl] adj икономичен, пестелив.
pipe [paip] n лула.
a chat goes round ⇒ бъбря си.
undertone [ˈʌndəˌtoun] прен. оттенък, отсенка.
prattle [ˈprætl] v бъбря, приказвам.
the years to come ⇒ бъдещето.
nestle [ˈnesl] v настанявам (се) удобно; сгушвам се, притискам (се).
yielding [ˈji:ldiŋ] adj мек, гъвкав.
bosom [ˈbuzəm] n гръд, гърди.
mere [miə] adj истински, обикновен, прост.
to stoop down ⇒ навеждам се.
to throw o.’s arms around ⇒ обгръщам, прегръщам.
clingingly [ˈkliŋgiŋli] adv прилепчливо.
to die away ⇒ заглъхвам, утихвам.
to go out ⇒ угасвам.
lull [lʌl] v приспивам (дете).
laping [læp] adj плискащи (за вълни).
rustling [ˈrʌsliŋ] adj шумолящ.
to fall asleep ⇒ заспивам.
ere [ɛə] prep поет. преди, до.
fret [fret] n ядосване, тормоз.
furrow [ˈfʌrou] v набръчквам, сбръчквам.
fair [fɛə] prep поет. красив, хубав.
sin [sin] n грях.
folly [ˈfɔli] n глупост, щуротия.
bygone [ˈbaiˌgɔn] adj отминал.
new-made mother ⇒ млада майка.
nurse [nə:s] v кърмя, откърмям, отхранвам, отглеждам (дете).
deep [di:p] adj широк.
wile [wail] n обикн. мн. ч. хитрина, хитрост, уловка.
lure [ljuə] v примамвам, изкусявам.
fond [fɔnd] adj нежен, гальовен.
poison [ˈpɔizən] n отравям, покварявам.
sneer [sniə] n подигравателна усмивка, насмешка.
artificiality [ˌa:tiˌfiʃiˈæliti] n неестественост, престореност, превзетост.
stately [ˈsteitli] adj величав, достоен, достопочтен.
How about? ⇒ как ти се струва? какво ще кажеш?
rouse [rauz] прен. раздвижвам, стряскам, предизвиквам.
yearning [ˈjə:niŋ] n копнеж, силно желание.
unattainable [ˌʌnəˈteinəbl] adj непостижим.
weep (wept, weeping) v плаче.
raw [rɔ:] adj суров, несварен, неоопечен.
Worcester [ˈwustə] n Уорчестър, пикантен сос от оцет, соев сос и подправки.
chop [tʃɔp] n пържола, котлет.
Hark! [ha:k] v слушай! чуй!
mermaid [ˈmə:ˌmeid] n мит. морска сирена.
deep [di:p] adj дълбок.
spirit [ˈspirit] n дух, привидение, призрак.
chant [tʃa:nt] v пея монотонно.
dirge [də:dʒ] n погребална песен.
corpse [kɔ:ps] n труп.
seaweed [ˈsi:wi:d] n водорасло.
by the arm ⇒ за ръката.
old man ⇒ разг. старче.
to get a chill ⇒ настивам, простудявам
come along ⇒ ела.
round the corner ⇒ зад ъгъла.
to get a drop ⇒ пийвам си.
put you right ⇒ оправя те.
in less than no time ⇒ за нула време, моментално.
brilliant [ˈbriljənt] adj отличен, превъзходен.
in the drinking line ⇒ по отношение на пиенето.
paradise [ˈpærəˌdaiz] n рай.
supposing ⇒ да предположим, че…
in the present instance ⇒ в този случай.
as regarded ⇒ що се отнася до; по отношение на.
his vew of the matter ⇒ неговият поглед върху нещата.
to come as a very timely hint ⇒ идва твърде навременно; timely [ˈtaimli] adj навременен, своевременен, в подходящия момент; hint [hint] n кратък съвет; намек.
good ам. за засилване на идеята.
inch [intʃ] n инч, цол (= 2,54 см).
damp [dæmp] adj влажен, подгизнал.
bank [bæŋˈk] n бряг (на река, езеро).
puddly[ˈpʌdli] adj покрит с локви.
land [lænd] v слизам на суша; пристигам, акостирам (за кораб).
to lug out ⇒ измъквам.
fix [fiks] v инсталирам, поставям, слагам.
soak [souk] v накисвам, напоявам.
flop [flɔp] v мятам се, блъскам се.
to tumble down ⇒ руша се, разпадам се.
cling [kləŋ] v вкопчвам се.
to make s.o. mad ⇒ подлудявам някого.
pour [pɔ:] v лея (се), изливам (се).
steadily [ˈstedili] adv постоянно.
task [ta:sk] n работа, задача.
herculean [ˌhə:kjuˈliən] adj много тежък, трудно изпълним.
to play the fool ⇒ правя се на глупак.
fixed [fikst] adj закрепен.
to give a hoist ⇒ вдигам нещо.
spoil [spɔil] v развалям (се), повреждам (се).
Here! разг. стига! чуй!
What are you up to? ⇒ Какво си намислил?
retort [riˈtɔ:t] v отговарям, отвръщам (дръзко/язвително/остроумно).
leggo! ⇒ отпусни (от let go).
pull [pul] v дърпам, дръпвам, тегля; опъвам.
you’ve got it all wrong ⇒ всичко обърка.
ass [æs] n магаре.
yell [jel] n провиквам се, крещя.
to let go ⇒ пускам, отпускам.
roar [rɔ:] v изревавам, крещя, рева.
to wish to get at s.b. ⇒ желая да ми падне в ръцете.
to give a lug ⇒ дърпам.
peg [peg] n клечка, колче.
bally [ˈbæli] adj проклет, гаден.
to mutter to o.s. ⇒ мърморя си под носа.
haul [hɔ:l] n теглене, дърпане, влачене.
mallet [ˈmælit] n дървен чук.
swear [swɛə] n ругая; псувам.
to tumble down ⇒ руша се, разпадам се, западам.
indignantly [inˈdignənt] adj възмутено.
exclaim [iksˈkleim] v възкликвам, извиквам.
in the same breath ⇒ едновременно.
there you are! ⇒ ето какво стана! ето ти на!
to bail out a boat ⇒ изгребвам водата от лодка.
sleeve [sli:v] n ръкав.
curse [kə:s] v ругая, псувам.
steadily [ˈstedili] adv постояннo, непрекъснатo, непрестаннoметодиченo.
what the blazes ⇒ ост. подчертава въпрос, когато сте отегчен.
blarmed adj проклет.
somehow or other ⇒ по един или друг начин.
land [lænd] v извличам на брега.
methylated spirits [ˈmeθiˌleit] n денатуриран спирт.
stove [stouv] n печка.
rich in ⇒ cъдържащ много.
stuff [stʌf] n материал, вещество; „работа“, „нещо“.
inebriate [iˈni:briit] v напивам, опивам, опиянявам.
induce [inˈdju:s] v убеждавам, накарвам, придумвам, скланям (c inf).
to grasp the idea ⇒ проумявам.
thieves [ˈθi:vz] pl от thief [θi:f] v крадец.
murderer [ˈmə:dərə] n убиец.
or else ⇒ или пък.
kick [kik] v ритам.
smother [ˈsmʌðə] v задушавам.
determine [diˈtə:min] v решавам.
at all events ⇒ във всеки случай, непременно.
frantically [ˈfræntikli] adv трескавo, енергиченo.
yell [jel] v викам, рева, крещя, кряскам.
lustily [ˈlʌstili] adv с всички сили, здравата.
the while ⇒ през цялото време.
at last ⇒ най-накрая.
to give way ⇒ поддавам се, огъвам се, хлътвам; счупвам се.
feet [fi:t] pl от foot [fut] n фут, мярка за дължина = 12 инча, 1/3 от ярда = 30,48 см.
dimly [dimli] adv неясено, неопределено.
observe [əbˈzə:v] v забелязвам; усещам, долавям.
ruffian [ˈrʌfjən] n главорез, обесник, хулиган.
life-and-death struggle ⇒ борба на живот и смърт.
to dawn upon/on s.b. ⇒ става ми ясно, сещам се.
bally [ ´bæli ]adj евфем. проклет, гаден, мръсен, противен.
rub [rʌb] v трия (се), търкам (се); разтривам, разтърквам.
to rise up o.’s voice ⇒ извисявам глас.
heave [hi:v] v издигам (се).
rock [rɔk] v клатя (се).
muffle [mʌfl] v заглушавам.
to get off ⇒ махам се.
muddy [ˈmʌdi] adj кален; мръсен.
trample [træmpl] v тъпча, газя, сгазвам.
wreck [rek] n развалина, руина.
to be under belief ⇒ вярвам, внушавам си.
on purpose ⇒ нарочно.
speechless [ˈspi:tʃlis] adj занемял, онемял, безмълвен.
owing to ⇒ вследствие на, поради.
severe [siˈviə] adj остър.
cold [kould] n простуда, настинка, хрема.
quarrelsome [ˈkwɔrəlsəm] adj свадлив, сприхав, избухлив.
swear at ⇒ эругая, хокам, псувам, проклинам (някого).
hoarse [hɔ:s] adj дрезгав, пресипнал.
therefore [ˈðɛəˌfɔ:] adv следователно, затова, поради това, ето защо, по тази причина.
inn [in] n хан, странноприемница.
respectable [risˈpektəbl] adj почтен, достоен за уважение, уважаван.
hail [heil] v приветствам.
to revel in ⇒ наслаждавам се.
solitude [ˈsɔliˌtju:d] n самота; уединение.
a trifle ⇒ немного, малко, леко.
so much the jollier ⇒ толкова по-приятно.
withhold [wiðˈhould] v въздържам, одържам; попречвам.
fox-terrier [ˈfɔksˌteriə] n фокстериер, порода ловни кучета.
wicked [ˈwikid] adj лош, зъл, лих, злонамерен.
noble [noubl] adj прекрасен, чудесен; благороден.
expression [iksˈpreʃən] n израз; изражение.
to bring the tears ⇒ разплаквам.
pious [ˈpaiəs] adj набожен, религиозен.
at my expense ⇒ за моя сметка.
to get him to stop long ⇒ да му помогна на оживее.
rug [rʌg] килимче; килим, черга.
snatch (up) [snætʃ] v грабвам, изтръгвам.
chariot [ˈtʃæriət] n колесница.
growling [ˈgrauliŋˈ] adj ръмжащ.
by the scruff of his neck ⇒ за врата.
irate [aiˈreit] adj вбесен, яростен, побеснял.
summon [ˈsʌmən] v призовавам, извиквам, повиквам.
next door but one ⇒ през една врата.
ferocious [fəˈrouʃəs] adj жесток, свиреп.
at large ⇒ на свобода.
pin [pin] v затварям, запирам (в кошара); прен. вкарвам натясно.
tool-shed [ˈtu:lˌʃed] n барака за сечива.
venture [ˈventʃə] v рискувам, залагам, поставям на карта.
to back s.b. ⇒ подкрепям, поддържам.
rat [ræt] n плъх.
against time ⇒ за печелене време; с цел да се свърши навреме; с най-голяма възможна бързина, лудешки.
after all ⇒ все пак, в края на краищата; след всичко.
to hang about ⇒ навъртам се около/из.
stable [steibl] n конюшня, обор.
gang [gæŋˈ] n банда, тайфа, шайка.
disreputable [disˈrepju:təbl] adj с лоша слава.
to lead out ⇒ повеждам.
slum [slʌm] n беден квартал.
emphatic [imˈfætik] adj ясно изразен, недвусмислен.
approbation [ˌæprəˈbeiʃən] n одобрение.
to sattle to the satisfaction of ⇒ уреждам нещо така, че да задоволи.
argue [ˈa:gju] v обсъждам.
oratory [ˈɔrətəri] n красноречие, реторика, ораторско искуство.
presentiment [priˈzentimənt] n предчувствие, предусещане.
to do good ⇒ въздействам добре на; complaint [kəmˈpleint] n болка, болест, оплакване.
by common assent ⇒ по общо съгласие.