Letter 3
To Mrs. Saville, England.
July 7th, 17—.
My dear Sister,
I write a few lines in haste to say that I am safe—and well advanced on my voyage. This letter will reach England by a merchantman now on its homeward voyage from Archangel; more fortunate than I, who may not see my native land, perhaps, for many years. I am, however, in good spirits: my men are bold and apparently firm of purpose, nor do the floating sheets of ice that continually pass us, indicating the dangers of the region towards which we are advancing, appear to dismay them. We have already reached a very high latitude; but it is the height of summer, and although not so warm as in England, the southern gales, which blow us speedily towards those shores which I so ardently desire to attain, breathe a degree of renovating warmth which I had not expected.
No incidents have hitherto befallen us that would make a figure in a letter. One or two stiff gales and the springing of a leak are accidents which experienced navigators scarcely remember to record, and I shall be well content if nothing worse happen to us during our voyage.
Adieu, my dear Margaret. Be assured that for my own sake, as well as yours, I will not rashly encounter danger. I will be cool, persevering, and prudent.
But success shall crown my endeavours. Wherefore not? Thus far I have gone, tracing a secure way over the pathless seas, the very stars themselves being witnesses and testimonies of my triumph. Why not still proceed over the untamed yet obedient element? What can stop the determined heart and resolved will of man?
My swelling heart involuntarily pours itself out thus. But I must finish. Heaven bless my beloved sister!
in haste ⇒ In a hurried or hasty manner.
homeward həʊmwəd adj Directed or going home.
Arkhangelsk, also known as Archangel and Archangelsk ⇒ A city in Russia, the chief seaport of medieval and early modern Russia until 1703, when it was replaced by the newly founded Saint Petersburg.
dismay dɪsˈmeɪ v To break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble: alarm, frighten, scare, panic, distress, terrify, appal
latitude ˈlætɪtjuːd n The angular distance, measured north or south from the equator, of a point on the earth’s surface, expressed in degrees.
gale ɡeɪl n A strong wind, specifically one of force seven to ten on the Beaufort scale or from 45 to 90 kilometres per hour.
ardently ˈɑːdəntli adj In an enthusiastic and passionate manner.
renovate ˈrɛnəveɪt v Give new life or energy to: recreate, rehabilitate
hitherto ˈhɪðəˈtuː adv Until now; before this time
befall bɪˈfɔːl pp befell, pt befallen n Occur or be the case in the course of events or by chance: happen
leak liːk n The discharge of a fluid from some container: leakage, outflow, escape
scarcely ˈskeəsli adv Not quite, almost not: barely, hardly
adieu əˈdjuː int Said to wish a final farewell: goodbye, farewell,au revoir
for one’s own sake ⇒ For one’s good or benefit; in honor of someone.
as well as ⇒ Equally well; to the same standard.
rashly ˈræʃli adj Without careful consideration of the possible consequences: impetuously
persevering ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪərɪŋ adj Quietly and steadily persisting in or remain constant to a purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles or discouragement: diligent
prudent ˈpruːdᵊnt adj Careful or wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense: wise, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sage, sane, well-founded
endeavour ɪnˈdɛvə n An effort to do or attain something: attempt, try, effort, trial, aim, undertaking, essay
wherefore ˈweəfɔː adv (Archaic) For what? Why?
thus far ⇒ Up to the current point or moment in time.
untamed ˌʌnˈteɪmd adj Not cultivated, domesticated, or controlled: wild, fierce, savage, uncontrollable, undomesticated,
obedient əˈbiːdiənt adj Complying with or submissive to authority: submissive, yielding, compliant, docile, meek
swell swɛl v To increase in amount, degree, force, etc: increase, rise, grow, expand