Internet Acronyms

The most pop­u­lar Inter­net Abbreviations

4AO: For adults only.

AAF: As a friend.

AAMOF: As a mat­ter of fact.

ADIH: Anoth­er day in hell.

ADN: Any Day Now.

AFAICT: As far as I can tell.

AFAIC: As far as I’m concerned.

AFAIK: As far as I know.

AFAIR: As far as I remember.

AFK: Away from keyboard.

AMA: Ask me anything.

AMA: Ask me almost anything.

ASAP: As soon as possible.

ASL: Age, sex, location.

ATM: At the moment.

AWOL: Absent with­out offi­cial leave.

AYMM: Are you my mother?

AYOR: At your own risk.

B4N: Bye for now.

B4: Before.

B@U: Back at you.

BAE: Before any­one else. You can use it refer­ring to a per­son who you care for the most. E.g. Me and my BAE have just watched anoth­er episode of Game of Thrones!

BBBG: Bye bye be good.

BBIAB: Be back in a bit.

BBIAS: Be back in a sec.

BBL: Be back later.

BBS: Be back soon.

BF: Boyfriend.

BFF: Best friends forever.

BRB: Be right back.

BSAAW: Big smile and a wink.

BUMP: Bring up my post.

BWL: Burst­ing with laughter.

CMIIW: Cor­rect me if I’m wrong.

CSL: Can’t stop laughing.

CS: Career suicide.

CTN: Can’t talk now.

CWOT: Com­plete waste of time.

CYA: See you (lat­er).

CYT: See you tomorrow.

DAE: Does any­one else?

DBMIB: Don’t both­er me I’m busy.

DIY: Do it yourself.

DL: Down Low.

DM: Direct message.

DR: Dou­ble Rain­bow. This is used to con­vey extreme hap­pi­ness and awe.

DWH: Dur­ing work hours.

E123: Easy as one, two, three.

EOM: End of message.

EOT: End of thread.

EMBM: Ear­ly morn­ing busi­ness meeting.

FAWC: For any­one who cares.

FB: Face­book.

FIMH: For­ev­er in my heart.

FTFy: Fixed that for you.

FTL: For the loss.

FTW: For the win.

FWIW: For what it’s worth.

FYI: For your information.

G2G: Got to go.

GAHOY: Get a hold of yourself.

GF: Girl­friend.

GFN: Gone for now.

GG: Good Game.

GJ: Good Job.

GL: Good luck.

GMTA: Great minds think alike.

GOI: Get over it.

GPOY: Gra­tu­itous picture.

GRAS: Gen­er­al­ly recog­nised as safe.

GRATZ: Con­grat­u­la­tions.

GTG: Got to go.

HOAS: Hold on a second.

HTH: Hope this helps.

IAC: In any case.

IANAL: I am not a lawyer.

IAMA: I am a.

ICYMI: In case you missed it.

IDC: I don’t care.

IDC: I don’t care.

IDK: I don’t know.

IFYP: I feel your pain.

IIRC: If I remem­ber correctly.

ILY: I love you.

IMHO: In my hum­ble opinion.

IMO: In my opinion.

IMOIMHO: In my opin­ion­In my hum­ble opinion.

IMU: I miss you.

IRL: In real life.

ITT: In this tread.

ITYM: I think you mean.

IYKWIM: If you know what I mean.

J4F: Just for fun.

JIC: Just in case.

JK: Just kidding.

JSYK: Just so you know.

KPC: Keep­ing par­ents clueless.

KOTC: Kiss on the cheek.

LDR: Long-dis­tance relationship.

LMAO: Laugh­ing my a** off.

LMK: Let me know.

LOL: Laugh­ing out loud.

LTNS: Long time, no see.

MFW: My face/feels/feelings when.

MMB: Mes­sage me back.

MOTD: Mes­sage of the day.

MRW: My reac­tion when.

MSG: Mes­sage.

MTFBWY: May the Force be with you.

MYOB: Mind your own business.

NAGI: Not a good idea.

NBD: Not big deal.

NFS: Not for sale.

NM: Not much.

NSFL: Not safe for life. It refers to even more offen­sive and shock­ing con­tent which can pos­si­bly cause men­tal harm.

NSFW: Not safe for work. If you see this kind of abbre­vi­a­tion post­ed near a spe­cif­ic link, then do not click it. Most like­ly, NSFW acronym will lead to some sex­u­al, nude, bru­tal or vio­lent con­tent banned to view at your work­ing place.

NTH: Nice to have.

NWS: Not work safe.

OC: Orig­i­nal content.

OH: Over­heard.

OIC: Oh, I see.

OMDB: Over my dead body.

OMG: Oh my God.

OMW: On my way.

OP: Orig­i­nal post/poster. This refers to some­one who was the first to pub­lish a post.

OT: Off-top­ic.

OTOH: On the oth­er hand.

P2P: Peer to peer / pay to play.

PAH: Par­ent at home.

PAW: Par­ents are watching.

PBB: Par­ent behind back.

PITR: Par­ent in the room.

POMS: Par­ent over my shoulder.

POV: Point of View.

PPL: Peo­ple.

PRT: Please retweet.

PTB: Please text back.

QQ: Cry­ing.

QT: Cutie.

RBTL: Read between the lines.

RLRT: Real life retweet.

RTM: Read the man­u­al / Restart the machine.

RUOK: Are you OK?

SFW: Safe for work.

SMH: Shak­ing my head.

SO: Sig­nif­i­cant Other.

SOML: Sto­ry of my life. What does SOML mean in tex­ting? Most like­ly a per­son com­pares anoth­er person’s sto­ry with own situation.

SRSLY: Seri­ous­ly.

SSDD: Same stuff, dif­fer­ent day.

TBH: To be honest.

TFW: That feel / feel­ing when. TFW inter­net slang often goes in a cap­tion to an image.

TG: That’s great.

TIA: Thanks in advance.

TIL: Today I learned.

TIME: Tears in my eyes.

TINLA: (This is not legal advice).

TL;DR: Too long; didn’t read.

TMB: Tweet me back.

TMI: Too much information.

TNTL: Try­ing not to laugh.

TOS: Terms of service.

TTYL: Talk to you later.

TTYS: Talk to you soon.

TY: Thank you.

TYVM: Thank you very much.

W8: Wait.

WB: Wel­come back.

WTB: Want to buy.

WTF: What the f***.

WTPA: Where the par­ty at?

WTS: Want to sell.

WTT: Want to trade.

WUG: What you got?

WUZUP: What’s up?

WYWH: Wish you were here.

YAGNI: You ain’t gonna need it.

YGTR: You got that right.

YHBT: You have been trolled.

YMMV: Your mileage may vary.

YNK: You nev­er know.

YOLO: You only live once.

YTMND: You’re the man now, dog / dawg.

ZZZ: Sleep­ing, bored, tired